Course/Program Inventory
General Education Courses
The Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR) provides its online common course inventory for community colleges (or common curriculum inventory for technical colleges) as a tool for faculty, staff, and administrators to use in academic program planning. It is not intended for use in advising. TBR does not guarantee that the information contained within the site is up-to-date, complete and accurate. Individuals assume any risks associated with relying upon such information without checking other credible sources, such as a College Catalog or TBR policies. Content within the site is for information purposes only and does not represent the official Academic Program Inventory at any specific TBR institution.
Behavioral Sciences
Course Number |
Course Title |
EDUC 2210 |
Educational Psychology |
PSYC 1030 |
Introduction to Psychology |
PSYC 2110 |
Psychology of Adjustment |
PSYC 2120 |
Social Psychology |
PSYC 2130 |
Lifespan Developmnt Psychology |
PSYC 2210 |
Biological Basis of Behavior |
Course Number |
Course Title |
COMM 2025 |
Fundamentals of Communication |
COMM 2045 |
Public Speaking |
COMM 2055 |
Argumentation and Debate |
COMM 2065 |
Advanced Public Speaking |
COMM 2075 |
Organizational Communication |
COMM 2085 |
Business and Professional Comm |
COMM 2090 |
Interpersonal Communication |
COMM 2095 |
Small Group Communication |
COMM 2330 |
Communication Theory |
Course Number |
Course Title |
ENGL 1010 |
English Composition I |
ENGL 1020 |
English Composition II |
Fine Arts
Course Number |
Course Title |
ART 1035 |
Introduction to Art |
ART 1045 |
Drawing I |
ART 1050 |
Drawing II |
ART 1340 |
Foundations Studio I |
ART 1350 |
Foundations Studio II |
ART 2000 |
Art History Survey I |
ART 2020 |
Art History Survey II |
DANC 1005 |
Introduction to Dance |
MUS 1027 |
Class Piano I |
MUS 1030 |
Introduction to Music |
MUS 1057 |
Music Theory I |
MUS 1058 |
Ear Training I |
MUS 1127 |
Class Piano II |
MUS 1155 |
Music Theory II |
MUS 1156 |
Ear Training II |
MUS 2055 |
Music Theory III |
MUS 2056 |
Ear Training III |
MUS 2155 |
Music Theory IV |
MUS 2156 |
Ear Training IV |
THEA 1015 |
Acting I |
THEA 1025 |
Stage Craft I |
THEA 1030 |
Introduction to Theatre |
THEA 2015 |
Acting II |
THEA 2025 |
Stage Craft II |
Course Number |
Course Title |
HIST 2010 |
Early United States History |
HIST 2020 |
Modern United States History |
HIST 2030 |
Tennessee History |
HIST 2060 |
African American History |
HIST 2210 |
Early Western Civilization |
HIST 2220 |
Modern Western Civilization |
HIST 2310 |
Early World History |
HIST 2320 |
Modern World History |
Course Number |
Course Title |
ENGL 2035 |
Introduction to Fiction |
ENGL 2045 |
Introduction to Literature |
ENGL 2055 |
African-American Literature |
ENGL 2110 |
Early American Literature |
ENGL 2120 |
Modern American Literature |
ENGL 2130 |
Topics in American Literature |
ENGL 2160 |
Mythology |
ENGL 2210 |
Early British Literature |
ENGL 2220 |
Modern British Literature |
ENGL 2235 |
Topics in British Literature |
ENGL 2310 |
Early World Literature |
ENGL 2320 |
Modern World Literature |
ENGL 2330 |
Topics in World Literature |
ENGL 2410 |
Early European Literature |
ENGL 2420 |
Modern European Literature |
ENGL 2430 |
Topics in European Literature |
ENGL 2860 |
Introduction to Film |
HUM 1010 |
Early Humanities |
HUM 1020 |
Modern Humanities |
PHIL 1030 |
Introduction to Philosophy |
PHIL 1040 |
Introduction to Ethics |
PHIL 2200 |
Introduction World Religions |
PHIL 2430 |
Philosophy of Religion |
PHIL 2640 |
Science and the Modern World |
RELS 2020 |
Religions of the World |
Life Sciences
Course Number |
Course Title |
BIOL 1010 |
Introduction to Biology |
BIOL 1011 |
Introduction to Biology Lab |
BIOL 1020 |
Diversity of Life |
BIOL 1021 |
Diversity of Life Lab |
BIOL 1080 |
Concepts of Biology |
BIOL 1110 |
General Biology I |
BIOL 1111 |
General Biology I Lab |
BIOL 1120 |
General Biology II |
BIOL 1121 |
General Biology II Lab |
BIOL 1510 |
Environmental Science I |
BIOL 1520 |
Environmental Science II |
BIOL 2010 |
Human Anatomy and Physiology I |
BIOL 2011 |
Human Anatomy and Phys I Lab |
BIOL 2020 |
Human Anatomy and Physiology II |
BIOL 2021 |
Human Anatomy and Phys II Lab |
BIOL 2310 |
General Botany I |
BIOL 2311 |
General Botany I Lab |
BIOL 2320 |
General Botany II |
BIOL 2321 |
General Botany II Lab |
Course Number |
Course Title |
MATH 1010 |
Math for General Studies |
MATH 1130 |
College Algebra |
MATH 1410 |
Number Concepts for Teachers |
MATH 1420 |
Geometry Concepts for Teachers |
MATH 1530 |
Introductory Statistics |
MATH 1630 |
Finite Mathematics |
MATH 1710 |
Precalculus Algebra |
MATH 1720 |
Precalculus Trigonometry |
MATH 1730 |
Precalculus |
MATH 1830 |
Applied Calculus |
MATH 1910 |
Calculus I |
MATH 1920 |
Calculus II |
MATH 2010 |
Introduction to Linear Algebra |
MATH 2050 |
Calculus Based Prob/Stats |
MATH 2110 |
Calculus III |
MATH 2120 |
Differential Equations |
Physical Sciences
Course Number |
Course Title |
ASTR 1010 |
Solar System Astronomy |
ASTR 1011 |
Solar System Astronomy Lab |
ASTR 1020 |
Stars + Galaxies Astronomy |
ASTR 1021 |
Stars + Galaxies Astronomy Lab |
ASTR 1030 |
Survey of Astronomy |
ASTR 1032 |
Survey of Astronomy Lab |
CHEM 1000 |
Chemistry Problem Solving |
CHEM 1002 |
Chemistry Problem Solving Lab |
CHEM 1010 |
Introductory Chemistry I |
CHEM 1011 |
Introductory Chemistry I Lab |
CHEM 1020 |
Introductory Chemistry II |
CHEM 1021 |
Introductory Chemistry II Lab |
CHEM 1050 |
Concepts of Chemistry |
CHEM 1060 |
Survey of Chemistry |
CHEM 1061 |
Survey of Chemistry Lab |
CHEM 1110 |
General Chemistry I |
CHEM 1111 |
General Chemistry I Lab |
CHEM 1120 |
General Chemistry II |
CHEM 1121 |
General Chemistry II Lab |
CHEM 2010 |
Organic Chemistry I |
CHEM 2011 |
Organic Chemistry I Lab |
CHEM 2020 |
Organic Chemistry II |
CHEM 2021 |
Organic Chemistry II Lab |
ESCI 1010 |
Weather and Climate |
ESCI 1020 |
Landforms |
GEOL 1030 |
Survey of Geology |
GEOL 1031 |
Survey of Geology Lab |
GEOL 1040 |
Physical Geology |
GEOL 1041 |
Physical Geology Lab |
GEOL 1050 |
Historical Geology |
GEOL 1051 |
Historical Geology Lab |
GEOL 1070 |
Concepts of Geology |
PHYS 1010 |
Introductory Physics I |
PHYS 1011 |
Introductory Physics I Lab |
PHYS 1020 |
Introductory Physics II |
PHYS 1021 |
Introductory Physics II Lab |
PHYS 1030 |
Survey of Physics |
PHYS 1031 |
Survey of Physics Lab |
PHYS 1070 |
Concepts of Physics |
PHYS 2010 |
Non-Calculus Physics I |
PHYS 2011 |
Non-Calculus Physics I Lab |
PHYS 2020 |
Non-Calculus Physics II |
PHYS 2021 |
Non-Calculus Physics II Lab |
PHYS 2110 |
Calculus-Based Physics I |
PHYS 2111 |
Calculus-Based Physics I Lab |
PHYS 2120 |
Calculus-Based Physics II |
PHYS 2121 |
Calculus-Based Physics II Lab |
PSCI 1010 |
Principles of Physical Science |
PSCI 1011 |
Principles of Physical Sci Lab |
PSCI 1020 |
Principles of Earth/Space |
PSCI 1021 |
Principles of Earth/Space Lab |
PSCI 1030 |
Survey of Physical Science |
PSCI 1031 |
Survey of Physical Science Lab |
Social Sciences
Course Number |
Course Title |
AAST 2200 |
African American Studies |
ANTH 1100 |
Introduction to Anthropology |
ANTH 1130 |
Intro to Physical Anthropology |
ANTH 1230 |
Intro to Cultural Anthropology |
ANTH 1430 |
Intro Prehistoric Archaeology |
ECON 1050 |
Economics and Society |
ECON 2100 |
Principles of Macroeconomics |
ECON 2200 |
Principles of Microeconomics |
GEOG 1012 |
Cultural Geography |
GEOG 1015 |
Physical Geography |
GEOG 1035 |
World Regional Geography 1 |
GEOG 1045 |
World Regional Geography 2 |
GEOG 2010 |
World Regional Geography |
MCOM 1110 |
Media and Social Institutions |
POLS 1010 |
Intro to Political Science |
POLS 1030 |
American Government |
POLS 2025 |
State and Local Government |
POLS 2035 |
International Relations |
POLS 2050 |
Comparative World Politics |
SOCI 1010 |
Introduction to Sociology |
SOCI 1040 |
Social Problems |
SOCI 2010 |
Marriage and Family |
WGST 2050 |
Intro to Women/Gender Studies |
General Education
No active courses available.