ECED 2300 - The Mentoring Teacher
Credit hours: 3
Course Description: The Mentoring Teacher is a study of the philosophy, principles, and methods of mentoring adults who have varying levels of training. Emphasis will be on the role of mentors as facilitators of adult learning, while also addressing the needs of parents, other staff, and of children from birth through age eight.
Student Learning Outcomes: Outcome 1: Use knowledge of adult development, experiences as early educators, and leadership skills to develop effective mentoring strategies for adults working in culturally and linguistically diverse settings with families of young children.
Outcome 2: Recognize the stages of educator development in order to plan strategies that appropriately assess and support the professional development of all early childhood educators.
Outcome 3: Identify effective approaches and strategies for self-assessment and reflective practice in order to examine individual values, beliefs, and practices in early childhood care and education.
Outcome 4: Demonstrate skills necessary for leading collaborative work with various educational partners.