HIMT 2301 - CPT Coding
Credit hours: 3
Prerequisites: Pre- and corequisites should be defined by individual institutions and must be courses from General Education Requirements - Core and Major Field Core Courses. * Certificate programs may have alternative requirements.
Course Description: This course covers the basic principles of coding with Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) coding system including structure and rules. Instruction will also be given in use of HCPCS Level II coding including structure and rules. The use of these coding systems will be studied as they are used in reporting of reimbursable medical services and procedures performed by physicians
Student Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to:
- Demonstrate understanding of CPT book format, conventions, concepts, organization and uses and relationship between CPT codes and reimbursement.
- Apply CPT codes and modifiers, as appropriate, according to current Official oding guidelines and regulatory requirements
- Analyze documentation to accurately assign CPT codes for evaluation and management, surgery, radiology, pathology/laboratory, anesthesia and medicine codes for healthcare services.