OTAP 2620 - Level II B
Credit hours: 6
Prerequisites: Completion of all General Education and OTAP coursework
Course Description: Second of two eight-week fieldwork experiences (ACOTE requirement) designed to provide the OTA student the opportunity to work in an OT setting, under the supervision of an OTR or COTA. Students will participate in the supervised delivery of occupational therapy services in a variety of settings, utilizing skills, concepts, techniques, and strategies learned through academic preparation. Opportunities will be provided for the students to synthesize, develop, and apply academic knowledge and entry level practice skills within the fieldwork setting.
Student Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to:
- Demonstrate clinical reasoning appropriate to the OTA role, to transmit the values and beliefs that enable ethical practice, and to develop professionalism and competence in career responsibilities.
- Demonstrate an awareness and understanding of how psychosocial factors influence engagement in occupation and use that knowledge for the development of client-centered, meaningful, occupation-based outcomes.
- Upon the conclusion of the experience, be able to meet all requirements, as identified by fieldwork site and school, demonstrating entry-level clinical competence in patient care and practice management.