Jan 02, 2025  
Course/Program Inventory 
Course/Program Inventory

MTX 2030 - Hydrotherapy

Clock Hours: 10

Delivery Mode

Course Description:
This course in hydrotherapy will teach the students about the different types of hydrotherapy that can be available to us in the massage profession.  It also discusses the difference in different establishments and the different types of hydrotherapy used due to the establishment type.  It will also teach the students about the indications and contraindications for the use of hydrotherapy in a massage or spa session.

Student Learning Outcomes:
  1. Understandandperform hydrotherapyforbothhotandcoldtechniques.(CSLO7;PSLO2,5)
    • Demonstrate the ability to use warm hydrotherapy in all forms safely for the therapist and theclientandin thecorrect instances.
    • Demonstrate the ability to use hydrotherapy in a therapeutic setting, with how long to use it and how often for what circumstances.
    • Demonstrate the ability to use cold hydrotherapy in all forms safely for the therapist and the clientandin thecorrect instances.