AVIT 2320 - Airframe Fundamentals V
Credit hours: 4
Prerequisites: AVIT 1310 - General Fundamentals I
AVIT 1320 - General Fundamentals II
AVIT 1410 - General Fundamentals III
AVIT 1420 - General Fundamentals IV
Course Description: Airframe Fundamentals V includes the ability to identify the various FAA-approved hydraulic fluids and the identification marks for the seals that are compatible with each type of fluid. He or she will be able to locate faults in an operating hydraulic or pneumatic system and will demonstrate knowledge of the safety procedures required when handling high-pressure compressed gases. This course also includes the understanding of the proper procedures for inspecting, servicing, and recharging installed gaseous oxygen systems and will be knowledgeable of the safety requirements for handling gaseous oxygen. The operation of both vapor-cycle and air-cycle cooling systems and the function of the various valves and components in a cabin pressurization system, and inspect a cabin heater system for indication of carbon monoxide leakage.
Student Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to:
- Identify the various FAA-approved hydraulic fluids
- Locate faults in an operating hydraulic or pneumatic system
- Demonstrate knowledge of the safety procedures required when handling high-pressure compressed gases
- Understand the proper procedures for inspecting, servicing, and recharging installed gaseous oxygen systems
- Explain the operation of both vapor-cycle and air-cycle cooling systems
- Demonstrate the proper way to inspect a cabin heater system