AVIT 2420 - Airframe Fundamentals VII
Credit hours: 4
Prerequisites: AVIT 1310 - General Fundamentals I
AVIT 1320 - General Fundamentals II
AVIT 1410 - General Fundamentals III
AVIT 1420 - General Fundamentals IV
Course Description: Airframe Fundamentals VII is designed to give the student the knowledge of various fuel systems on complex aircraft, analyze problems, valves, and pumps. The study of brakes, landing gear systems, and various alarm and warning systems are covered. Various anti-icing, and rain control systems, chemicals used and corrective action to take on each system are discussed. The principles of fire detection and extinguishing systems, troubleshooting, and repair.
Student Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to:
- Understand the fuel system of a jet transport aircraft and it fuel transfer system
- Inspect and analyze malfunctions in the pressure, temperature, and quantity measuring components
- Describe the operation of the various remote position indicating systems
- Demonstrate the correct method to service landing gear positon indicating systems
- Describe the function of deicing, anti-icing, and rain removal systems
- Identify common problems and specify correction action
- Describe the principles of operation of installed fire detection and extinguishing systems