AVIT 2520 - Power Plant Fundamentals VI
Credit hours: 2
Prerequisites: AVIT 1530 - Power Plant Fundamentals I
AVIT 1540 - Power Plant Fundamentals II
AVIT 1550 - Power Plant Fundamentals III
Corequisites: AVIT 1560 - Power Plant Fundamentals IV
AVIT 2510 - Power Plant Fundamentals V
Course Description: Airframe Fundamentals II will include learning to identify the various types of composite structural components, including the matrix materials and the reinforcing fibers, and the student will be able to explain the methods of lay-up that give the maximum strength against the applied loads. Also, the student will be aware of the safety considerations involved in working with the various chemicals used with composite materials.
Student Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to:
- Identify the correct lubricant for an aircraft engine and be able to service the lubrication system with the correct amount of lubricant
- Clean or replace the various screens and filters in the system
- Understand both air- and liquid-cooling systems for a reciprocating engine
- Understand the methods used to protect the airframe structure from damage by the heat rejected by a turbine engine