Feb 02, 2025  
Course/Program Inventory 
Course/Program Inventory

AVIT 2530 - Power Plant Fundamentals VII

Credit hours: 2

Prerequisites: AVIT 1530 - Power Plant Fundamentals I  

AVIT 1540 - Power Plant Fundamentals II  

AVIT 1550 - Power Plant Fundamentals III  

Corequisites: AVIT 1560 - Power Plant Fundamentals IV  

AVIT 2510 - Power Plant Fundamentals V  

AVIT 2520 - Power Plant Fundamentals VI  

Course Description:
Power Plant Fundamentals VII will discuss all aspects of “Propeller Theory” as a foundation for the understanding of propeller maintenance, repair and inspection. Unducted Fans, one of the new developments in aircraft propulsion will be covered.   

Student Learning Outcomes:
Students will be able to:

  1. Understand the theory of thrust produced by a propeller
  2. Knowledgeable of the various types of propellers used on modern aircraft
  3. Properly remove and install a propeller on an engine
  4. Select the proper lubricants
  5. Determine the proper blade pitch
  6. Knowledgeable of the extent of repairs and adjustments that are allowed to be made  
  7. Understand the principle of the unducted fan system and the advantages and disadvantages of this type of propulsion.