AVIT 2530 - Power Plant Fundamentals VII
Credit hours: 2
Prerequisites: AVIT 1530 - Power Plant Fundamentals I
AVIT 1540 - Power Plant Fundamentals II
AVIT 1550 - Power Plant Fundamentals III
Corequisites: AVIT 1560 - Power Plant Fundamentals IV
AVIT 2510 - Power Plant Fundamentals V
AVIT 2520 - Power Plant Fundamentals VI
Course Description: Power Plant Fundamentals VII will discuss all aspects of “Propeller Theory” as a foundation for the understanding of propeller maintenance, repair and inspection. Unducted Fans, one of the new developments in aircraft propulsion will be covered.
Student Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to:
- Understand the theory of thrust produced by a propeller
- Knowledgeable of the various types of propellers used on modern aircraft
- Properly remove and install a propeller on an engine
- Select the proper lubricants
- Determine the proper blade pitch
- Knowledgeable of the extent of repairs and adjustments that are allowed to be made
- Understand the principle of the unducted fan system and the advantages and disadvantages of this type of propulsion.