Jan 02, 2025
PPT 3050 - Advanced Pipe Fabrication
Clock Hours: 106
Delivery Mode on-ground
Prerequisites: Orientation & Safety, Worker Characteristics, Applied Math-Pipefitting, Trade Tools, Blueprint Reading, Oxy-Fuel Cutting & Welding, Rigging/Pipe Hangers, Pipe Valves, Flanges & Fasteners, Pipe Types- Schedule of Pipes, Fabrication, Piping Diagrams, Butt Weld Fabrication, Socket Weld Fabrication, OSHA 10, and Threaded Pipe Fabrication, Career Skills
Industry Certifications Top Helper
Course Description: Pipe fabrication is the use of either ordinate tables or trigonometry to fabricate fittings and pipe assemblies to suit a process application. In this course, the students will learn to use trigonometry to produce ordinates, and to use ordinates to lay out miters and laterals. The students will also learn alternative methods of calculating and drawing the ordinates to lay out the cuts for laterals, fish-mouths, and mitered turns. These formulas are provided for putting together multiple offsets around an obstacle, either equal spread or unequal spread.
Student Learning Outcomes:
- Calculate simple piping offsets
- Calculate three-line, 45-degree, equal-spread offsets around a vessel
- Calculate three-line, 45-degree, unequal spread offsets
- Fabricate tank heating coils
- Perform mitering procedures
- Lay out and construct three and four piece mitered turns
- Lay out and construct 45-degree laterals, using references or a calculator
- Fabricate dummy legs and trunions out of pipe using references
- Perform geometric layout of pipe laterals and supports
- Lay out and fabricate a wye