Mar 10, 2025  
Course/Program Inventory 
Course/Program Inventory

AOT 3057 - Digital Media Design and Publishing

Clock Hours: 74

Delivery Mode

Prerequisites: Completion of General Office and Administrative Support Specialists Certificates.

Industry Certifications Competencies in this diploma are aligned with the Certified Administrative Professional (CAP), which follows the requirements from the International Association of Administrative Professionals (IAAP). 

Course Description:
Students will learn how to design, edit, and produce a variety of business documents for marketing purposes using digital media design techniques.

Student Learning Outcomes:
1. Identify desktop publishing terminology and concepts.

2. Demonstrate competency in the use of industry standard desktop publishing software/applications.

3. Demonstrate competency in basic layout and design using theories of design as a means of communication and implementing tools for effective design strategies.

4. Design and produce attractive desktop published documents.

5. Plan a printed presentation of text by determining appropriate typefaces, type sizes, height, leading, alignment spacing attributes, kerning, and the use of special characters. Approved September 2023

6. Create a desktop publication that includes graphics in the form of clip art, boxes, shading, lines, and illustrations.

7. Generate a variety of documents such as flyers, newsletters, bulletins, proposals, reports, calendars, announces, certificates, and brochures.

8. Create brochures using a variety of page layouts and design techniques.

9. Define, create, and incorporate design elements into newsletters.

10. Apply consistent style standards, including fonts, margins, layout, color scheme, and image and text formats.

11. Import text and graphics from other software programs.

12. Import text from a word processing program into a desktop publishing program.

13. Import graphics, charts, or text or tables from other sources into a desktop document.

14. Manipulate, enhance, and produce digital photographs, graphics, or other art elements utilizing photographic and/or graphic editing software.