Dec 22, 2024  
Course/Program Inventory 
Course/Program Inventory

EMD 0002 - 911 Dispatcher

Clock Hours: 40

Delivery Mode

Industry Certifications 911 Dispatch Certification

Course Description:
Throughout the trimester, students will be taught and graded on work ethics topics. The topics to be covered are: attendance, appearance, character, teamwork, attitude, productivity/safety, organizational skills, communication, cooperation, and respect.

Student Learning Outcomes:
Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of the 10 Essential Worker Characteristic Skills: 


The standards described here are designed to give states guidance in the development of state Law and Public Safety programs, standards and courses. 


Section 1:  9-1-1 Ethics 

Standard 1:Ensure the 9-1-1 Officer candidate understands agency values, personal values, and ethical standards within the 9-1-1 profession. (2 Hours) 


  1. Define values within the 9-1-1 profession 

  1. Define ethics within the 9-1-1 profession 

  1. Define ethical standards within the 9-1-1 profession 


Section 2:  9-1-1 Liability & Legal Issues 

Standard 1:Ensure the 9-1-1 Officer Candidate understands different types of law, legal concepts, terms and specific issues related to 9-1-1. (2 Hours) 



  1. Define liability 


  1. Define the standard of care 


  1. Define Negligence 


  1. List and define the four elements of negligence 


  1. Define gross negligence 


Section 3: 9-1-1 Roles and Responsibilities 

Standard 1: Define the role and responsibilities of the 9-1-1 Officer as it relates to other members of public safety. (2 Hours) 


  1. Define the role of the 9-1-1 Officer 

  1. Explain the responsibilities of the 9-1-1 Officer 


Section 4: Overview of Law Enforcement 

Standard 1. Provide an overview of law enforcement to the 9-1-1 Officer. (2 Hours) 


  1. Explain the functions of law enforcement 

  1. Explain the role of the 9-1-1 Officer in law enforcement calls 


Section 5: Overview of Fire Services 

Standard 1: Provide an overview of the fire services function to the 9-1-1 Officer. (2 Hours) 


  1. Explain the functions of fire services 

  1. Explain the role of the 9-1-1 Officer in fire service calls 


Section 6: Overview of Emergency Medical Services 

Standard 1: Provide the 9-1-1 Officer with a conceptual understanding of the emergency medical services function. It is intended to create awareness for the student regarding: (2 Hours) 

  • Factors that influence the decisions of the emergency medical services field responder 

  • Enlighten the student about the responsibilities of the emergency medical services field responder 

  • Provide the student with an understanding of the basic terminology and the components which make up the emergency medical service response teams 


  1. Explain the functions of emergency medical services (EMS) as presented in this chapter 

  1. Explain the role of the 9-1-1 Officer in emergency medical calls as presented in this course 


Section 7: Stress Management in 9-1-1 

Standard 1: Provide stress management techniques in a high-stress environment to the 9-1-1 Officer candidate. (3 Hours) 


  1. Define stress management 

  1. Explain how to manage stress 

  1. Explain the consequences of unmanaged stress 

  1. Explain how to implement stress management techniques 


Section 8: Interpersonal Communications in 9-1-1 

Standard 1: Ensure the 9-1-1 Officer candidate understands interpersonal communications as it relates to the 9-1-1. (2 Hours) 


  1. Learn the Basic Elements of Interpersonal Communications (IPC) 

  1. Learn about verbal communications 


Section 9: Communication Technologies 

Standard 1: Ensure the 9-1-1 Officer candidate understands existing technology within the public safety communications center. (3 Hours) 


  1. Explore the difference between basic and enhanced 9 1-1 

  1. Learn about the various systems of technology used in emergency communication Telephone Emergencies Before 9-1-1 


Section 10: FCC Rules and Regulations 

Standard 1: Ensure the 9-1-1 Officer is aware of the federal, state, and local requirements to ensure the privacy and confidentiality of the caller, victim, and information contained in databases which the 9-1-1 Officer can access. (2 Hours) 


  1. Learn the difference between permissible communications and prohibited communications as it relates to public safety communications. 

  1. Understand “Right to Privacy” laws and how they relate to 9-1-1 Calls 

  1. Understand HIPPA and how it relates to 9-1-1 Calls 


Section 11: 9-1-1 Call Processing Techniques 

Standard 1: Ensure the 9-1-1 Officer candidate understands how to effectively process calls for service from all classes of agency customers. (4 Hours) 


  1. Learn about different 9-1-1 call processing techniques 

  1. Learn about the different types of callers encountered in 9-1-1 Calls 


Section 12: Call Classification 

Standard 1: Ensure the 9-1-1 Officer candidate can categorize, prioritize, as well as determine the appropriate response levels for all types of law enforcement, fire, and emergency medical calls. (3 Hours) 


  1. Learn what call classification means 

  1. Learn about call prioritization 

  1. Learn about resource selection techniques 


Section 13: Radio Techniques 

Standard 1: Ensure the 9-1-1 Officer candidate understand how to construct and articulate radio messages properly. In addition, to ensure the 9-1-1 Officer candidate understands the agency Incident Command/ Integrated Command Systems and Tactical Dispatch Teams as authorized by the agency.(4 Hours) 


A. Learn about 9-1-1 Radio procedures and protocols 

B.  Learn how to identify appropriate radio speech in 9-1-1 calls 


Section 14: Special 9-1-1Incidents 

Standard 1: Inform the 9-1-1 Officer of the “special situations” which they might encounter and their responsibilities within each category. (4 Hours) 


A. Learn how to receive and process calls for aircraft related incidents 

B. Learn how to receive and process calls for HAZMAT incidents 

  1. Learn how to receive and process calls for active shooter situations 

  1. Learn how to receive and process calls for human trafficking situations 


Section 15: The Americans with Disabilities Act and 9-1-1 

Standard 1: Ensure the 9-1-1 Officer candidate understands the Americans with Disability Act and how it relates to public safety communications.  Additionally, the 9-1-1 Officer candidate will receive training on TDD-specific call-handling techniques. (3 Hours) 


  1. Learn about the “Americans with Disability Act” and how it relates to public safety communication and TDD-specific call handling techniques 

  1. Learn about TDD Call Handling Procedures as it relates to public safety communication