Sep 27, 2024  
Course/Program Inventory 
Course/Program Inventory

ESP 4030 - Biomedical Electronics

Clock Hours: 426

Delivery Mode

Prerequisites: Electronic Systems Repair Technician Diploma

Industry Certifications ETA: Biomedical Electronics Technician (BMD)

Course Description:
Biomedical electronics technicians are expected to obtain knowledge of the principles of modern biomedical techniques, the proper procedure in the care, handling and maintenance of biomedical equipment and to display an attitude/behavior expected of an electronics technician who works in a hospital or healthcare environment.

Student Learning Outcomes:
Course Competencies:

Health Occupations Preparation I, II, III

  • Unit 1-1
    • Nerves and Muscles
    • Physiological Response to Stimulation
  • Unit 1-2
    • Nerves and Muscles
    • Nerve and Muscle Stimulation
  • Unit 1-3
    • Nerves and Muscles
    • Muscle Potential Measurement: EMG
    • Nerves and Muscles
    • The Skin’s Electrical Resistance
  • Unit 2-1
    • Sight and Visual Responses
    • Muscular Eye Movements
  • Unit 2-2
    • Sight and Visual Responses
    • Recording Evoked Potentials: EVP
  • Unit 2-3
    • Sight and Visual Responses
    • Optical Lenses
  • Unit 2-4
    • Sight and Visual Responses
    • Fiber Optics and Light Transmission

Module One, Unit 3

  • Unit 3-1
    • Hearing and Speech
    • Air/Bone Conduction
  • Unit 3-4
    • Hearing and Speech
    • Human Speech
  • Unit 3-5
    • Hearing and Speech
    • Digital Speech Recording
  • Unit 4-1
    • Touch Sensations
  • Unit 4-2
    • Skin and Oral Temperature
  • Unit 4-3
    • The Sense of Smell
  • Unit 4-4
    • The Sense of Taste
  • Unit 4-5
    • Body Nutrition
  • Units 5-1 through 5-9
    • Pulse Rate
    • Electrical Activity of the Heart (EKG/ECG)
    • ECG Preparation
    • Recording your own ECG
    • ECG/EKG Telemetry
    • Blood Pressure Recording
    • Computer Based Blood Pressure Measurement
    • The Pacemaker and Defibrillator
    • Blood Typing
  • Units 6-1 through 6-8
    • The Lungs
    • The Kidneys
    • The Liver
    • Substance Abuse
    • Environmental Pollution and Lead Poisoning
    • Toxicology
    • Performing an EEG Recording
    • Water Testing
  • Unit 7-1 through 7-3
    • The Nervous System
    • The Brain
    • Biofeedback
  • Unit 8-1 through 8-5
    • Atoms and Molecules
    • Electrophoresis
    • DNA structure and function
    • Identification of DNA samples
    • Histology

Anatomy and Physiology: general knowledge of the following human systems is covered: (textbooks vary and are updated over time)

  • The Cell          
  • Tissues           
  • The Integumentary System   
  • Bones and Skeletal Tissues  
  • The Skeletal System 
  • Articulations   
  • Muscle Tissue
  • The Muscular System
  • Nervous Tissue          
  • The Nervous System 
  • The Sensory System 
  • The Endocrine System          
  • The Cardiovascular System  
  • The Lymphatic System          
  • The Immune System and Other Body Defenses      
  • The Respiratory System        
  • The Digestive System
  • The Urinary System  
  • The Reproductive System     

Biomedical Instrumentation I and II:

Experiment 1-The Electro-cardiograph recording (ECG)

Experiment 2-Differential Amplifiers

Experiment 3-Optoelelectronics Components

Experiment 4-Band-Pass and Notch Filters 

Experiment 5-Analog to Pulse Shaping 

Experiment 6-Visual and Sound Pulse Indicators 

Experiment 7-Rate Meters 

Experiment 8-Electromyograms-EMG

Experiment 9-Electroencephalograms-EEG

Experiment 10-Noise in Biomedical Amplifier Systems

Experiment 11-Pulse Rate by Photo-plethysmography 

Experiment 12-Pulse Rate Digital Meters

Experiment 13-Galvanic Skin Resistance

Experiment 14-Temperature Measurement

Experiment 15-Respiratory Rate

Experiment 16-Hospital Equipment Safety

Experiment 17-Biomedical Transducers