Jan 02, 2025
IJM 2020 - Basic Hydraulic Theory and Lab
Clock Hours: 142
Delivery Mode on-ground
Course Description: This class provides an introduction to fluid power systems, including hydraulic and pneumatic components.
Student Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to:
- Read a hydraulic gauge pressure.
- Read liquid level and temperature in a reservoir.
- Operate a hydraulic power unit.
- Connect and disconnect hydraulic quick disconnect hose.
- Recognize symbols for a hydraulic circuit.
- Connect and use a flow meter.
- Control speed of cylinder using a needle valve.
- Connect and operate a bi-directional hydraulic motor.
- Draw a hydraulic circuit using standard symbols.
- Measure force of an extending and retracting cylinder.
- Measure Delta P across a hydraulic component.
- Convert between absolute and gauge pressures.
- Understand the operation of a hydraulic relief valve.
- Use a meter-in and meter-out hydraulic circuit.
- Calculate the extend speed of a hydraulic cylinder given its size and flow rate.
- Calculate the cylinder stroke time given its size and flow rate.
- Connect and adjust the pressure setting of a PRV.
- Design a pressure sequence.
- Connect and operate a hydraulic DCV with a tandem center.
- Connect and operate a 4/2 hydraulic DCV.
- Connect and operate a hydraulic pilot-operated DCV.
- Connect a pilot-operated relief valve to unload a pump by venting.
- Connect and operate a P-port check valve circuit.
- Connect and operate a load-lock circuit.
- Calculate the maximum pressure in a pilot-operated check valve circuit.
- Pre-charge an accumulator.
- Size a bladder-type accumulator.
- Connect and operate an accumulator bleed-down circuit.
- Connect and operate an accumulator.