IJM 3020 - PLC Theory and Lab II
Clock Hours: 300
Delivery Mode on-ground
Course Description: This class covers some of the most common program control instructions for PLCs.
Student Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to:
- Explain the components of a basic programmable logic controller such as CPU, MPU, ALU, RAM, ROM, BIOS, and ADC. Sinking and sourcing for DC 1/0 modules will be mastered.
- Learn conversion of decimal numbers to binary, octal, and hexadecimal numbers will be demonstrated. Binary addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division will be accomplished. The definitions of bit, nibble, byte, word, double word, and quad word will be learned.
- Gain familiarity with switches (pressure, liquid level, flow, float, foot, limit, and proximity) and sensors (proximity, inductive, capacitive, hall effect, ultrasonic, electrostatic ultrasonic, and RADAR) will be accomplished.
- Relay logic rules for input and output devices, where they are placed, how they are connected, how they are represented in the relay logic diagram, placement of input and output devices, how current in a relay logic diagram flows, and numerical cross referencing will be learned.
- Master components of the PLC ladder logic. These include XIC (examine if closed), XIO (examine if open), input (1), output (0), Status (52), timers (T4), counters (CS), control (R6), binary (B3), and integer (N7). The function and operation of each will be detailed.
- Create Boolean expressions, truth tables, and logic gate circuits. Logic gate circuits including NOT, AND, OR, NAND, NOR, XOR, AND XNOR gates will be used.
- Use and program On delay, Off delay, and retentive timers. This area includes using the timer timing bit (TT), done bit (DN), move instruction (MOV), reset instruction (RES), preset registers, and accumulated registers.
- Program counters (UP counter, DOWN counter) and use the associated outputs and instructions to demonstrate his/her proficiency. These instructions include labeling the counter, counter bit done (DN), preset value, and accumulated value.
- Gain knowledge of PLC math instructions by utilizing each function in an active program. This includes the ADD, SUBTRACT, MULTIPLY, and DIVIDE FUNCTIONS. Advance math functions will not be used at this time.
- Program PLC Logic and bit shift instructions, having the instructor verify the students’ mastery of these functions.
- Build a program that includes the PLC compare, Jump, and MCR functions will provide material to ascertain the students’ knowledge in these areas.
- Develop a PLC subroutine examined by the instructor to indicate the level of proficiency attained.
- Handle data instructions of Move, Masked Move, FIFO, LIFO, copy file, fill, file, and Data Conversion.
- Demonstrate proficiency in sequencer instructions (SQO, SQC, and SQL).