INE 4030 - NEC Commercial-Industrial (72 hrs)
Clock Hours: 72
Delivery Mode on-ground
Course Description: This course covers parts of the NEC that pertain to commercial and industrial locations. It covers hazardous locations, health care facilities, special occupancies, and specific equipment.
Student Learning Outcomes: Course Competencies:
A. Hazardous (Classified) locations
1. Understand what constitutes Class I, II, and III locations as well as the parameters for Division I and II of each class.
2. Understand provisions for commercial garages and repair garages.
3. Know articles for electrical equipment in hazardous locations.
4. Explain requirements for motor fuel dispensing facility.
B. Health care
1. Define health care facility.
2. Understand requirements for health care facilities.
3. Discuss requirements for bonding and grounding in health care facilities.
4. Explain requirements for critical care area branch circuits and receptacles.
5.Demonstrate requirements for tamper resistant receptacle/cover.
6.List three essential electrical systems for hospitals.
C. Industrial/ commercial locations
1. Know provisions for service entrance for industrial/commercial locations.
2. Identify feeder tap rules.
3. Identify provisions for conductors feeding transformers.
4. Demonstrate connecting taps to grounding systems.
5.Understand provisions for cable trays.
6.Know motor provisions for entire wiring systems feeding motors.
D. Special occupancies
1. Define special occupancies.
2. Understand provisions for theaters and similar locations.
3. Know provisions for carnivals, circuses, etc.
4. Understand requirements for manufactured buildings, mobile homes, etc.
5.Understand requirements for recreational vehicles and parks.
E. Specific equipment
1.Understand provisions for fire pumps.
2. Understand requirements for elevator, escalator, etc.
3. Know definitions for swimming pools and similar locations.
4. Explain requirements for swimming pools and similar locations.
5.Understand requirements for spas and hot tubs.