Mar 13, 2025  
Course/Program Inventory 
Course/Program Inventory

LPN (pre-req) 2020 - Mental Health

Clock Hours: 60

Delivery Mode

Course Description:
This course is a brief overview of the current concepts of psychiatric nursing. The role of the nurse in the prevention and treatment of mental illness will be emphasized. Included will be discussions of the Practical Nurse’s management of dementia, neurosis and psychosis, suicidal clients, and chemically dependent clients. The use of therapeutic communication will be stressed.

Student Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

  1. Discuss the history and trends in Mental Health Nursing. 
    1. Explain the shift to community based mental health services that began in the late 1950s 
  2. Define mental illness. 
  3. Identify members of the mental health team and their roles. 
  4. Describe spiritual, cultural, and ethnic issues associated with mental health nursing. 
  5. Describe ethical and legal issues associated with mental health nursing. 
    1. HIPAA and confidentiality
  6. Describe the rights of the Psychiatric mentally ill client.
  7. Identify and discuss defense mechanisms.
  8. Discuss a continuum for mental health illness.
  9. Identify conditions that precede admission to an inpatient mental health treatment setting.
  10. Identify mental health resources available in the community for the client and family.
  11. Define the difference between delusions, hallucination, and illusions. 
  12. Identify the importance of therapeutic communication in the management of mental health disorders.
    1. Discuss verbal and nonverbal communications
    2. Identify techniques that enhance communication 
    3. Identify techniques that hinder communication
  13. Contrast and compare the purpose, focus, communication style, and goals for a social, intimate, and a therapeutic relationship.
  14. Discuss the therapeutic milieu.  
  15. Define crisis interventions. 
  16. Identify classifications, uses, actions, side effects, toxicity levels, and nursing considerations for selected psychoactive medications. 
    1. Antidepressants/ serotonin replacement
    2. Anti-manic/ Mood stabilizers
    3. Anti-Parkinson’s
    4. Antianxiety and hypnotics
    5. Stimulants as Mood Elevators
    6. Anticonvulsants
    7. Antipsychotics
    8. Monoamine Oxidase (MAO) inhibitors 
  17. Define somatic psychotherapy and its benefits. 
  18. List six (6) complementary and alternative medicines used in mental health.
  19. Discuss psychosomatic and dissociative disorders. 
    1. Theories of somatoform disorders
      1. Body dysmorphic disorder
      2. Somatization disorder
      3. Conversion disorder
      4. Pain disorder
      5. Hypochondriasis
    2. Theories of dissociative disorders
      1. Dissociative identity disorder
      2. Depersonalization disorder
  20. Discuss mood disorders. 
    1. Depressive disorders
      1. Major depressive disorder
      2. Dysthymic disorder
    2. Bipolar Disorder
    3. Premenstrual dysphoric disorder
    4. Postpartum depression
  21. Discuss anxiety disorders. 
    1. Panic disorder
    2. Phobias
    3. Generalized anxiety disorder
    4. Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
    5. Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
    6. Acute Stress Disorder
    7. Atypical anxiety disorder
  22. Discuss eating disorders. 
    1. Anorexia nervosa
    2. Bulimia nervosa
    3. Obesity
  23. Discuss personality development and personality disorders.
    1. Borderline personality disorder
    2. Antisocial personality disorder
    3. Narcissistic personality disorder
  24. Discuss substance related disorders. 
    1. Define chemical dependency/substance abuse 
    2. Describe signs that may indicate substance abuse or chemical dependency 
    3. Discuss the impact substance abuse has on the client, the family, and society
    4. Discuss how to care for the substance abuse client within the healthcare facility
    5. Discuss commonly abused substances and causes of substance abuse
    6. Define and discuss co-dependency and enabling
    7. Discuss detoxification and rehabilitation.
  25. Discuss sexual disorders. 
    1. Gender identity disorder
  26. Discuss cognitive and thought disorders. 
    1. Dementia
    2. Alzheimer’s
    3. Delirium
    4. Delusional and shared psychotic disorders 
    5. Schizophrenia
      1. Paranoid type
      2. Catatonic type
      3. Undifferentiated 
    6. Developmentally disabilities 
      1. Describe the levels of developmental disability 
      2. Identify and discuss common diseases and disorders contributory to developmental disability 
  27. Discuss nursing care of the suicidal client. 
  28. Identify nursing care adjustments for the clients with dual-diagnosis. 
  29. Discuss nursing care of clients experiencing sexual, physical, and emotional abuse.
  30. Discuss how nursing care is affected when caring for clients coping with chronic/terminal illnesses, homeless clients, aging clients, or incarcerated clients.