Mar 11, 2025  
Course/Program Inventory 
Course/Program Inventory

MME 1020 - Technology Foundations

Clock Hours: 24

Delivery Mode

Course Description:
The goal of the course is to provide general education in reading comprehension, applied mathematics and mechanical aptitude.

Student Learning Outcomes:
Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of:


  • Level 3
    • Identify the main idea and simple details
    • Identify the meanings of words that are defined within the passage.
    • Recognize the meanings of words that are not defined in the passage.
    • Determine the proper placement of a step in a sequence of events or the proper time to perform each step of a task.
    • Apply instructions outlined in the passage to situations that are described in the passage.
  • Level 4             
    • Identify important details that are less obvious than those at Level 3.
    • Apply complicated instructions, some of which involve several steps, to situations described in the reading materials.
    • Recognize cause and effect relationships.
    • Determine the meaning of words that are not defined in the reading materials.
  • Level 5
    • Understand the paraphrased definition of jargon or technical terms defined in the passage.
    • Use jargon or technical terms appropriately in describing situations stated in the passages.
    • Understand the definitions of acronyms that are defined in the passage.
    • Identify the appropriate definition of words with multiple meanings based on context of the passage.
    • Apply more complicated instructions involving conditionals (if X happens, then it will lead to Y) or procedures with a number of steps, to describe situations.


  • Level 3
    • Add, subtract, multiply, and divide using whole numbers.
    • Add and subtract using positive and negative numbers.
    • Change a number from one form to another, using whole numbers fractions, decimals or percentages.
  • Level 4
    • Reorder information and eliminate extraneous information in order to solve problems
    • Calculate on-step conversions
    • One or two mathematical operations; addition, subtraction, multiplication or division on positive or negative numbers
    • Calculate averages, simple ratios, proportions and rates using whole numbers and decimals
    • Add simple fractions, decimals or percentages
    • Read simple graphs and diagrams
  • Level 5
    • Separate the important facts from extraneous information
    • Look up formulas and use them appropriately to perform one-step conversions
    • Calculate using mixed units
    • Calculate perimeter and areas of basic shapes
    • Calculate percentage discounts or markups
    • Complete a balance sheet or order form
    • Calculate the “best deal” using one- or two-step calculations to compare costs.

Locating Information

  • Level 3
    • Find one or two pieces of information in the document.
    • Insert one or two pieces of information into the document.
  • Level 4
    • Find several pieces of information in a document.
    • Summarize and/or compare trends in a document.
    • Use more than one document to compile a simple task.
  • Level 5
    • Summarize trends and main points on a document often containing many details.
    • Compare trends and main points. You will need to focus on pertinent information and ignore distracting details.
    • Use multiple documents to complete a tack. This may involve using information from on graphics to answer a question on another graphic.