Jan 18, 2025
PPT 2060 - Threaded Pipe Fabrication
Clock Hours: 82
Delivery Mode on-ground
Prerequisites: PPT 2050 OSHA Certification
Industry Certifications Top Helper
Course Description: This module describes the materials used in threaded piping systems. It explains how to determine pipe lengths between threaded pipefittings, prepare the pipe and fittings for fit-up, and assemble the piping system.
Student Learning Outcomes:
- Read and interpret screwed fitting joint drawings.
- Determine pipe lengths between fittings, using the center-to-center method.
- Determine pipe lengths between fittings, using the center-to-face method.
- Determine pipe lengths between fittings, using the face-to-face method.
- Given the length of travel of a 45-degree piping offset, calculate the length of the set.
- Given the length of the set and the degree of the fittings, use the table of elbow constants to figure the travel and the run.
- Calculate offsets, using the table of multipliers used to calculate offsets.
- Calculate the travel of a rolling offset.
- Thread pipe, using manual threaders.
- Thread pipe, using a threading machine.
- Apply pipe joint compound to the male threads of the pipe.
- Make up the pipe and fittings.
- Install a screwed valve