Dec 21, 2024  
Course/Program Inventory 
Course/Program Inventory

BCT 1020 - Construction Math & Measure

Clock Hours: 42

Delivery Mode

Course Description:
The goal of the course is to improve the construction math and measuring ability of students to prepare them for entrance into the workforce. 

Student Learning Outcomes:
Construction Math and Measurement

  1. Demonstrate proper use of Decimals in Construction Applications.
  2. Demonstrate proper use of Fractions in Construction Applications.
  3. Demonstrate proper use of the Pythagorean Theorem in Construction Applications.
  4. Demonstrate proper use of Decimal Conversions in Construction Applications. 
  5. Demonstrate ability to properly estimate. 
  6. Demonstrate ability to properly Calculate Area and Volume.
  7. Properly use Measuring Devices.
  8. Convert feet and inches to decimal feet and vice versa.
  9. Convert angular measurements stated in decimal degrees to degrees, minutes, seconds, and vice versa.
  10. Recognize, safely use, and properly care for site layout tools and instruments.
  11. Describe the use of GPS devices for construction projects.
  12. Lay out building lines using traditional and radial layout techniques.
  13. Use trigonometric leveling techniques to determine unknown elevations.