Mar 10, 2025
AVI 1050 - Basic Digital Concepts & Microprocessor I
Clock Hours: 25
Delivery Mode on-ground
Prerequisites: AVI 1010 - Safety & Fundamentals and/or AVI 1020 - Basic Electric & Electronics I
Course Description: This course of study includes basic logic gates, flip-flops, registers, counters, microprocessor/computer fundamentals, analog to digital conversion, and analog to digital conversion. Emphasis is placed upon number systems. Boolean algebra, combination logic circuits, sequential logic circuits, and typical microprocessor data manipulation and storage. Laboratory activities provide practical application of theory. Emphasis is placed upon experiments and demonstrations involving digital electronics, logic circuits, microprocessor circuits, and computer circuits.
Student Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of:
- Demonstrate knowledge of the digital concept and its application.
- Demonstrate knowledge of the number system and codes applied in digital electronics.
- Demonstrate knowledge of the logical operation, application, and troubleshooting of logic gates.
- Demonstrate knowledge of the basic laws and rules of Boolean algebra to logic circuits.
- Demonstrate knowledge and be able to combine logic gates to form combinational logic networks to perform specified results.
- Demonstrate knowledge of MSI combinational logic functions.
- Demonstrate knowledge of the four basic categories of bi-stable elements emphasized in digital electronics.
- Demonstrate knowledge and apply sequential logic functions related to asynchronous and synchronous counters.
- Demonstrate knowledge and apply sequential logic functions related to shift registers.