Mar 10, 2025
CAD 4070 - Civil Design II
Clock Hours: 396
Delivery Mode on-ground
Prerequisites: Detail Drafter Certificate (864 Hours)
Course Description: This module is designed to introduce students to civil drafting and maps in general and some of the different types in use today. Information about civil engineering companies, their map drafting requirements, and employment opportunities is also covered. Topics include: characteristics of maps, types of maps, civil engineering companies, map requirements, Solid Modeling, & surveying.
Student Learning Outcomes: Course Competencies:
A. Structural Steel Drafting
- Designate and illustrate the various steel products used in commercial construction.
- Prepare basic structural details of beams, trusses, and connections.
- Explain the application of bolted, welded, riveted and shear plate connections in heavy construction.
- Interpret and apply common welding symbols.
- Properly use reference manuals including the American Institute of Steel Construction’s Manual of Steel Construction for determining structural steel product designations and dimensions.
- Properly construct steel framing plans.
- Prepare complete structural steel baseplate, framed, and sealed connections. Construct fabrication details for structural steel columns and beams.
B. Structural Concrete Drafting
- Precast Concrete
- Define precast concrete engineering and shop drawings.
- Identify drawing conventions used on concrete drawings.
- Identify and sketch standard precast concrete units.
- Construct precast framing plans for columns, beams, floors, roofs and walls.
- Define precast concrete sections.
- Identify precast concrete full, partial, and offset sections.
- Construct precast concrete full section.
- Construct fabrication details of precast concrete columns, beams, wall panels, floor/roof members and metal connectors.
- Poured-in-Place Concrete Define poured-in-place concrete.
- Identify common abbreviations and symbols used in poured-in-place concrete drawings.
- Prepare engineering and placing drawings for poured-in-place concrete foundations.
- Prepare complete engineering and placing drawings of poured-in-place concrete floor systems.
- Prepare complete engineering and placing drawings for poured-in-place concrete wall systems and concrete columns.
- Distinguish between ground-supported and suspended floor systems.
- Prepare reinforced concrete drawings showing connection between steel and concrete.
C. Special Topics In Civil Applications
- Specialty areas within Civil Drafting.
- Practical experience utilizing real world projects.
- Supervised work experience in a commercial drafting office.
- Flexibility in the civil drafting course to meet local needs.
D. Plans and Profiles
- Construct profiles of the existing elevations along a specified line.
- Construct grade line for highways and streets, construction structures, or railroads.
- Calculate the volume of cut and fill.