Dec 21, 2024
CAD 4020 - 3D Illustration
Clock Hours: 90
Delivery Mode on-ground
Prerequisites: Detail Drafter Certificate (864 Hours)
Course Description: This course is designed to introduce students to developing solid parts and assemblies, attaching materials to the parts, as well as rendering and animating assemblies made from individual components.
Student Learning Outcomes: Course Competencies:
- Discuss the uses of 3-D Rendering applications
- Create surface models.
- Develop part drawings and assembly drawings
- Describe the advantages of using bump maps for surface texture.
- Demonstrate the use of texture maps and materials.
- Setup a standard material using pre-made textures.
- Discuss the impact of lighting on basic materials.
- Setup lighting for a scene.
- Discuss the use of cameras with standard axonometric views.
- Create camera and light viewports.
- Discuss the role of technical animations in product development and presentation.
- Create and animate target cameras.
- Create animation fly-arounds.
- Generate photorealistic renderings of models.
- Demonstrate image output to window, file, printer.