DAST 1530 - Clinical Chairside I
Credit hours: 4
Lecture:45 contact hours
Laboratory:30-45 contact hours
Prerequisites: Admission to Dental Assisting program. Students must be college level in reading, writing, and math.
Course Description: This course covers the study of general dentistry and the foundation of clinical chairside assisting. The course includes infection control, dental-related environmental hazards, management of dental and medical emergencies and emphasis being placed on skills in the clinical setting, to include charting, effective communication with patients and members of the dental team.
Student Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to:
- Pronounce, spell, and define dental terms as assigned.
- Compare and contrast the different levels of disinfectant solutions.
- Prepare treatment room with barriers and completed treatment room disinfection process.
- Perform instrument sterilization process.
- Describe the roles of the CDC and OSHA as they relate to infection control.
- Identify links in the chain of infection.
- Differentiate between the method of hand washing and using alcohol-based hand rubs.
- Explain the symptoms of the different types of latex reactions.
- Describe the goal of ergonomics.
- Describe the roles of OSHA, NIOSH, OSAP, CDC, FDA, and EPA.
- Describe potential long-term and short-term effects of exposure to chemicals.
- Explain the purpose of the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard.
- Describe in general how chemicals should be stored.
- Identify types of toxic waste generated in a dental office.
- Complete a medical/dental health history on student partner.
- Determine the importance of a patient record as well as legal and ethical standards expected in the dental assisting career.
- Take and record vital signs (pulse, respiration, blood pressure, and temperature) on student partner.
- Interpret dental charts.
- Chart fictional patients both paper and electronic.
- Describe the common signs and symptoms of an emergency.
- Recognize the common signs and symptoms of an emergency.
- Differentiate the basic items that must be included in an emergency kit.
- Describe how one should respond to specific emergencies.
- Perform a variety of instrument transfers.
- Use mirror and explorer intra-orally on student partner.
- Perform rinsing and suctioning on student partner with saliva ejector and high-volume evacuator.
- Identify and assemble burs and hand-pieces.
- Perform a variety of intraoral isolation techniques.
- Discuss the importance of pain control in dentistry.
- Describe the composition and application of topical anesthetics.
- Discuss the composition and application of local anesthetic agent.
- Assemble and place a variety of matrix bands.
- Demonstrate assisting with direct restorative procedures.