DAST 1540 - Dental Science I
Credit hours: 3
Lecture hours: 45 contact hours
Prerequisites: Admission to Dental Assisting program. Students must be college level in reading, writing, and math.
Course Description: This course includes instruction in general and oral anatomy and physiology, embryology, histology, dental morphology and microbiology.
Student Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to:
- Pronounce, spell, and define dental terms as defined.
- List the major groups of microorganisms.
- Describe how prions differ from viruses and bacteria.
- Name the bloodborne pathogens of concern in dentistry.
- Explain the differences between primary, mixed, and permanent dentitions.
- Explain how the size and shape of teeth determine the functions of different types of teeth.
- Name and identify the location of each tooth surface.
- Identify tooth surfaces.
- Identify teeth using the Universal/National system, the Palmer Notation System, and the ISO/FDI system.
- Identify the anatomy of the maxillary and mandibular permanent teeth.
- Describe the three periods of prenatal development.
- Discuss genetic and environmental factors that can affect dental development.
- Name and describe the tissues of the teeth.
- Identify the regions of the head.
- Locate and identify the bones of the cranium and face.
- Name and identify the landmarks of the oral cavity.
- Describe the structures found in the vestibular region of the oral cavity.
- Explain the difference between anatomy and physiology.
- Name and locate each of the 10 body systems.
- Describe the components of each body system.