Mar 11, 2025  
Course/Program Inventory 
Course/Program Inventory

CIS 1041 - Computer Concepts

Clock Hours: 116

Delivery Mode

Industry Certifications Microsoft Digital Literacy Certificate

Course Description:
This course is the foundation of the entire Computer Information Systems program.  This course is an introduction for every course in the program.  It familiarizes students with all the essential terminology and basic concepts of all areas in CIS for success as they move forward.  It is vital that student successfully complete this course for preparation in their career in CIS.

Student Learning Outcomes:
  1. Define the term “computer” and identify the components of a personal computer system.
  2. Compare the computing capabilities of the following computer categories: personal computers, handheld computers, workstations, videogame consoles, mainframe computers, supercomputers, and servers.
  3. List the types of equipment that can be categorized as “peripheral devices”.
  4. Describe the difference between operating system software and application software.
  5. Evaluate various ways that you can connect a computer to the Internet and select an ISP.
  6. Describe how Web servers, URLs, HTML, HTTP, and browsers contribute to the Internet resource known as the Web.
  7. Demonstrate that you can use a search engine to locate information on the Web.
  8. Know how the e-mail system works;
  9. Know the difference between POP mail and Web-based mail.
  10. Explain why most computers are digital, and how that relates to representing numbers by using 0 and 1 bits.
  11. Explain how ROM and ROM works, and how it differs from disk storage.
  12. Describe the difference between magnetic storage and optical storage.
  13. Use criteria such as versatility, durability, capaCISy, access time, and data transfer rate to compare storage technologies such as floppy disks, tapes, CDs, and DVDs.
  14. Describe the components of a computer’s expansion bus, including various types of expansion slots and cables.
  15. Identify personal computer operating systems, such as Windows, Mac OS, Linux, UNIX, and DOS.
  16. Describe the differences between system software and application software.
  17. Explain how to install and uninstall software, whether it is supplied on CDs or as a Web download.
  18. Describe the rights granted by: copyright law, a typical commercial software license, a shareware license, a freeware license, an open source license, and public domain software.
  19. Create valid names for files and folders, plus demonstrate that you can construct and trace file paths.
  20. Demonstrate how to use file management features of application software and operating system utilities.
  21. Describe how a computer physically stores data on disks, but represents this storage system with a logical model.
  22. Explain how file viruses, boot sector viruses, macro viruses, Trojan horses, worms, and Denial of Service attacks affect files and disrupt computer operations.
  23. Describe how a computer owner can use anti-virus software to avoid, find, and remove viruses.
  24. Demonstrate that you can implement a viable backup and restore plan.
  25. Explain the advantages of using digital, rather than analog, communications.
  26. List the types of cables and other links used for data communications networks.
  27. Make a list of network devices, explain the role of each one, and indicate whether they are typically used on the Internet or with LANs.
  28. Describe the role of communications protocols and list some protocols that are typically associated with the Internet and LANs.
  29. Explain the differences between permanent IP addresses, dynamic IP addresses, private IP addresses, and domain names.
  30. Demonstrate that you can use Ping and Tracerte.
  31. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of dialup, cable modem, DSL, ISDN, T1, T3, and wireless Internet access.
  32. Explain when and why it is important to implement security measures such as firewall software and network address translation.
  33. Describe the roles that HTML, HTTP, URLs, Web servers, and browsers play in bringing Web pages to your desktop.
  34. Identify some Web page design tools and discuss their advantages as well as their disadvantages.
  35. Identify the elements that typically form a Web page.
  36. Describe how DHTML, XML, XSL, and XHTML technologies work to enhance Web pages.
  37. List some of the advantages and disadvantages of using JavaScript, VBScript, Java applets, and ActiveX controls.
  38. Discuss why e-commerce has become so popular with consumers and merchants.
  39. List some threats to the security of credit card numbers and other sensitive data during e-commerce transactions.
  40. Describe the advantages, disadvantages, and uses for digital media, such as bitmap graphics, vector graphics, 3-D graphics, 3-D animations, desktop video, waveform audio, MIDI music, speech synthesis, and speech recognition.
  41. List the equipment and software that used to work with various types of digital media.
  42. Identify digital media files by their filename extensions.
  43. Explain how resolution, image size, color depth, and color palettes can be manipulated to adjust the file size of a bitmap graphic.
  44. Explain how wireframes, rendering, and ray tracing apply to 3-D graphics.
  45. Describe how to shoot, capture, edit, and process desktop video.
  46. Explain how window size, frame rate, and compression affect the file size for a desktop video.
  47. Describe the process of creating an MP3 music file.