ANES 2402 - Advanced Anesthesia Equipment
Credit hours: 4
Prerequisites: ANES 1401 - Basic Principles of Anesthesia Technology
ANES 1402 - Basic Principles of Anesthesia Equipment
ANES 1110 - Anesthesia Technology Clinical 1
Corequisites: ANES 2401 - Advanced Principles of Anesthesia Technology
ANES 2420 - Anesthesia Technology Clinical 2
ANES 2405 - Anesthesia Pharmacology
Course Description: This course provides instruction and lab application to the theories and concepts of advanced anesthesia equipment that are used in complex anesthesia/surgical situations. Topics include invasive monitoring and high-level equipment: thromboelastograph, cell saver, transducers and transesophageal echocardiogram to properly assist with care of a high-risk patient.
Student Learning Outcomes: The successful learner will be able to:
- Demonstrate operational familiarity of equipment used in complex anesthesia/surgical situations.
- Applies universal precautions in use of invasive monitoring and high-level equipment to properly assist with care of a high-risk patient.
- Set up, calibrate, and use complex Anesthesia equipment.
- Use critical thinking skills in analysis of data obtained from noninvasive and invasive monitoring modalities.