Mar 13, 2025
CIS 2051 - Operating Systems
Clock Hours: 70
Delivery Mode on-ground
Prerequisites: PC Operator Certificate
Industry Certifications This is incorporated as a part of the CompTIA A+ and Testout PC Pro Certifications
Course Description: Students learn the basic skills of the most prominent operating systems used on PC’s today. They learn the basics of client and server networking software. This course includes both PC and MAC networking materials and covers several versions of Windows, DOS, Novell, Linux, and Netware.
Student Learning Outcomes:
- Define the basic role of an operating system
- Identify the major operating system software subsystem managers and their functions
- Know the types of machine hardware on which operating systems run.
- Understand the differences between batch, interactive, real-time, hybrid, and embedded
- Define multiprocessing and its impact on the evolution of operating system software
- Explain system architecture trends in current operating systems
- Explain the basic functionality of the three memory allocation schemes: fixed partitions, dynamic partitions, relocate dynamic partitions
- Identify the best-fit memory allocation as well as first-fit memory allocation schemes
- Understand how a memory list keeps track of available memory
- Understand the importance of de-allocation of memory in a dynamic partition system
- Know the importance of the bounds register in memory allocation schemes
- Define the role of compaction and how it improves memory allocation efficiency
- Know the influence that page allocation methods have had on virtual memory.
- Understand the concept of the working set and how it is used in memory allocation schemes.
- Understand the impact that virtual memory had on multiprogramming
- Explain cache memory and its role in improving system response time.
- Explain the critical difference between processes and processors, and their connection
- Explain the differences among common configurations of multiprocessing systems
- Know the significance of critical region in process synchronization
- Define the need for process cooperation when several processes work together
- Understand the similarities and differences between processes and threads
- Understand the significance of concurrent programming languages and their applications.
- Know the features of dedicated, shared, and virtual devices
- Understand the differences between sequential and direct access media
- Define the concepts of blocking and buffering and how the improve I/O performance.
- Define the roles of seek time, search times, and transfer time in calculating access time
- Understand the differences in access times in several types of devices
- Explain the critical components of the input/output subsystem, and how they interact
- Understand the strengths and weaknesses of common seek strategies, including FCFS, SSTF, SCAN/LOOK, C-SCAN/C-LOOK, and how the compare
- Define the levels and characteristics of RAID.
- Define the fundamentals of file management and the structure of the file management system
- Understand file-naming conventions, including the role of extensions
- Know the difference between fixed-length and variable-length record format
- Explain the advantages and disadvantages of contiguous, noncontiguous, and indexed file storage techniques.
- Understand comparisons of sequential and direct file access.
- Know and compare the security risks of access control
- Understand the role of data compression in file storage.