Dec 21, 2024  
Course/Program Inventory 
Course/Program Inventory

DGT 4040 - Employability Skills

Clock Hours: 90

Delivery Mode

Prerequisites: Diploma, Digital Illustrator

Course Description:
The class begins with an independent study of workplace ethics, workplace communication and the structure of a typical graphics design team. Students learn the effectiveness of planning and scheduling work flow and time management. Students will discover how to find a job opening, create job search materials, create a cover letter, a follow-up letter, and prepare for an interview. Students will develop a digital portfolio book for an interview and the web. Emphasis will also be placed on portfolio development by use of presentation software to showcase original work generated throughout the program.

Student Learning Outcomes:
  1. Students will practice interpersonal skills and become aware of personal qualities that will enable them to manage themselves and interact effectively with clients, co-workers, and supervisors.
  2. Students will develop a resume, cover letter, and follow up letter geared toward obtaining employment in their chosen field of study.
  3. Students will gain an understanding of career options and development pathways, transition skills (e.g. networking and interviewing) needed to progress to and within work.
  4. Students will complete a final Portfolio of their work to showcase their talent and creativity in order to obtain employment.