EAP 4060 - Wiring & Protection III
Clock Hours: 27
Delivery Mode on-ground
Prerequisites: EAP 2050 - Wiring & Protection I
EAP 4040 - Wiring & Protection II
Course Description: Review of Article 215 for feeder conductors; Article 220 for branch circuits and service calculations; Article 225 for outside branch circuits and feeders; Article 230 for outside wiring and service installs; Article 240 overcurrent protection and OCPD for equipment and appliances; and Article 250 grounding and bonding and types of EGCs.
Student Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, the learner will:
- Determine selection ampacity and OCPD ratings for feeder conductors
- Determine minimum equipment grounding conductor size for feeder circuits
- Properly identify feeder conductors according to NEC requirements
- Calculate branch circuit loads and selection ampacities
- Select proper OCPD for branch circuits
- Select minimum conductor size for branch circuits
- Understand how to review Article 220, Sections 220.1 - 220.18 for information
- Calculate service/feeder loads and selection ampacity
- Select proper OCPD for service/feeder loads
- Select minimum conductor size for service/feeders
- Select appropriate equipment for outside wiring
- Assemble appropriate equipment necessary for outdoor wiring installations
- Be able to reference OCPD for specific equipment or appliances
- Know the conditions necessary for choosing the next OCPD rating above the ampacity of a conductor
- Reference standard OCPD ratings
- Install the OCPD at the branch circuit origin
- Understand the reason for equipment grounding and bonding
- Recognize the types of EGCs
- Recognize equipment which is not a part of the electrical system that needs to be bonded and grounded
- Apply identification methods of EGCs
- Determine the proper size of EGCs.
- Discuss the installation of grounding electrode conductors
- Understand and apply the requirements for service equipment grounding and bonding
- Understand how to recognize separately derived systems