AMP 4020 - Practicum/Work-Based Learning
Clock Hours: 73
Delivery Mode on-ground
Course Description: This course is the capstone course of the AMPT program and is intended to provide students with the opportunity to apply the skills and knowledge learned in previous AMPT courses within a professional, working environment. Ideally, the student will have an opportunity to work within a local manufacturing operation. However, age restrictions and geographical and/or space availability issues may preclude this. In lieu of an actual work-based learning opportunity with an employer - the instructor will utilize classroom trainers/equipment or have the student on-site at the partner Tennessee College of Applied Technology (TCAT) for a practicum in an advanced manufacturing related training program.
Student Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, the learner will demonstrate competency of the four (4) core areas of focus within the Certified Production Technician (CPT) program: Safety, Quality, Manufacturing Processes and Production, and Maintenance Awareness.
The required competencies for each of these four (4) areas are listed on the previous pages of this document within each Course Rubric/Title:
- AMP 1020 Certified Production Technician Safety Module and Test
- AMP 2010 Certified Production Technician Quality Module and Test
- AMP 3010 Certified Production Technician Manufacturing Processes/Production and Test
- AMP 4010 Certified Production Technician Maintenance Awareness and Test