Mar 11, 2025  
Course/Program Inventory 
Course/Program Inventory

HIM 1015 - Technology Foundations

Clock Hours: 30

Course Description:
Technology Foundations is an academic learning support course needed by a student to be successful in technical college programs and/or to meet minimum applied mathematics, graphic literacy, and reading, and writing g for information competencies as required by faculty in programs. The purpose of learning support is to enhance academic success in technical college programs and increase the likelihood of program completion that will prepare students for career success in their chosen field of study. 

Student Learning Outcomes:
Course Competencies:

Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of:


  • Reading material such as workplace documents such as messages, emails, letters, directions, signs, bulletins, manuals, policies, contracts, and regulations.
  • Using the information read to make job-related decisions and solve problems.
  • Identify correct meaning of a word when the word is defined in the reading.
  • Identify correct meaning of a word based on how the word is used in passage.
  • Identify acronyms, jargons or technical terms that are defined in passage.
  • Identify purposes, main idea and/or topics in messages.
  • Identify details that support topics in messages.
  • Identify needed actions from messages.
  • Identify steps, and sub steps, in a set of directions.
  • Read/Follow instructions/directions in correct order.
  • Read/Follow instructions/directions that include if-then-else statements.
  • Read/Follow instructions/directions that include maps, diagrams or floor plans.
  • Identify cause and effect in directions.
  • Solve problems from troubleshooting directions using cases and effects.
  • Apply general reading strategies for reading directions.
  • Find information in indexes, tables of contents, and glossaries.


Basic Writing

  • Produce writing that consists of complete sentences.
  • Exhibit organization of thoughts and ideas.
  • Develop writing using proper sentence parts/parts of speech and sentence structure.
  • Use punctuation and capitalization appropriately.
  • Demonstrate proper use of plural forms for names, compound words and numbers.
  • Identify verb tenses and demonstrate using them properly.
  • Identify adjectives and adverbs and demonstrate using them properly.
  • Identify commonly misspelled words.
  • Proofread and edit writing.
  • Write structurally, grammatically, and mechanically correct sentences.
  • Demonstrate the phases of writing including draft, revision, and final copy.
  • Construct an easy-to-follow, logical progression of ideas and information.


Graphic Literacy

  • Read, review and interpret simple to more complex graphs, charts (bar, line, & pie), and tables.
  • Identify trends and patterns in graphs, charts and/or tables; and locate information in graphs, charts and/or tables.
  • Read and interpret blueprints, schematic drawings, diagrams, specifications, and/or work orders/ticketing systems.
  • Read and understand various equipment gauges, valves, levels, dials, dashboards, etc. for operation monitoring.
  • Follow and understand checklists.
  • Practice visualization to imagine how something will look after it is moved around or when its parts are moved, rearranged, or newly assembled.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of data relationships and comparing trends - variables, dependency, creating summaries, etc.
  • Draw conclusions and/or apply data from graphs, charts, and/or tables to specific situations.
  • Evaluate information/data to determine compliance with standards.
  • Making decisions and solving problems by analyzing information/data and evaluating results.
  • Ability to concentrate on a task over time without being distracted.


Applied Mathematics

  • Efficiently and accurately solve basic mathematical operations dealing with whole numbers, fractions, decimals and percentages.
  • Convert between fractions, decimals, and percentages.
  • Apply basic mathematical operations to applied mathematical situations.
  • Apply basic graphing and statistical principals to a technical field.
  • Efficiently and accurately solve basic algebraic methods and operations.
  • Calculate one- and two-step conversions.
  • Calculate averages, simple ratios, proportions and rates using whole numbers and decimals.
  • Locate and use appropriate formulas.
  • Calculate using mixed units.
  • Calculate perimeter and areas of basic shapes.
  • Calculate percentage discounts or markups.
  • Decide what information, calculations, or unit conversions to use to find the answer to a problem.
  • Identify where a mistake occurred in a calculation.
  • Solve problems that require mathematical operations using mixed units - ie. 6 feet 2 inches.
  • Conversions between standard and metric measurements.
  • Able to work multiplication and division with ease. 
  • Calculate volume of basic shapes.