Dec 22, 2024  
Course/Program Inventory 
Course/Program Inventory

TDW 2011 - Supply Chain Management

Clock Hours: 50

Course Description:
This course gives the student the introduction to Supply Chain Management and the knowledge necessary to understand Supply Chain Management along with the understanding and familiarity of Global Dimensions of Supply Chains.

Student Learning Outcomes:
Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of:

  1. Introduction to Supply Chain Management  
    1. Define Supply Chain Management
    2. Describe the importance of Supply Chain Management
    3. Describe the origins of Supply Chain Management in the U.S.
    4. Describe the foundations of Supply Chain Management.
    5. Understand the current trends in Supply Chain Management.
  2. Understanding Supply Chain Management
    1. Explain how efficient and effective supply chains can improve customer fulfillment and cash flow
    2. Discuss the development and shaping of supply chains in leading organizations and understand their contributions to their financial viability
    3. Describe the important role of supply chain management among private as well as public or nonprofit organizations
    4. Understand the contributions of supply chain management to organizational efficiency and effectiveness for competing successfully in the global marketplace
    5. Explain the benefits that can be achieved form implementing supply chain best practices
    6. Understand the major supply chain challenges and issues facing organizations currently and in the future
  3. Global Dimensions of Supply Chains
    1. Explain the rationale for global trade and commerce
    2. Discuss the contributing factors for global commerce and supply chain flows
    3. Describe the important role of supply chain management among private as well as public or nonprofit organizations
    4. Understand Supply chains in global economy
    5. Explain the Micro perspective of global supply chains
    6. Understand the Supply chain security and role of ports