Dec 21, 2024  
Course/Program Inventory 
Course/Program Inventory

EMT 1040 - Medical Emergencies

Clock Hours: 60

Delivery Mode

Course Description:
To prepare the student for a clinical setting that they can provide prehospital care. Emergency situations arise in the prehospital setting and this course is designed to provide the knowledge to remain calm in an emergency situation.   

Student Learning Outcomes:
Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of:

  1. Identify which medications will be carried on the unit.
  2. State the medications carried on the unit by the generic name. 
  3. Identify the medications with which the EMT-Basic may assist the patient with administering
  4. State the medications the EMT-Basic can assist the patient with by the generic name.
  5. Discuss the forms in which the medications may be found. 
  6. Explain the rationale for the administration of medications
  7. Demonstrate general steps for assisting patient with self-administration of medications
  8. Read the labels and inspect each type of medication
  9. List the structure and function of the respiratory system.
  10. State the signs and symptoms of a patient with breathing difficulty
  11. Describe the emergency medical care of the patient with breathing difficulty
  12. Recognize the need for medical direction to assist in the emergency medical care of the patient with breathing difficulty
  13. Describe the emergency medical care of the patient with breathing distress
  14. Establish the relationship between airway management and the patient with breathing difficulty
  15. List signs of adequate air exchange
  16. State the generic name, medication forms, dose, administration, action, indications and contraindications for the prescribed inhaler
  17. Distinguish between the emergency medical care of the infant, child and adult patient with breathing difficulty
  18. Differentiate between upper airway obstruction and lower airway disease in the infant and child patient
  19. Describe the structure and function of the cardiovascular system
  20. Describe the emergency medical care of the patient experiencing chest pain/discomfort
  21. List the indications for automated external defibrillation (AED)
  22. List the contraindications for automated external defibrillation
  23. Define the role of EMT-B in the emergency cardiac care system
  24. Explain the impact of age and weight on defibrillation
  25. Discuss the position of comfort for patients with various cardiac emergencies
  26. Establish the relationship between airway management and the patient with cardiovascular compromise
  27. Predict the relationship between the patient experiencing cardiovascular compromise and basic life support
  28. Discuss the fundamentals of early defibrillation. 
  29. Explain the rationale for early defibrillation
  30. Explain that not all chest pain patients result in cardiac arrest and do not need to be attached to an automated external defibrillator
  31. Explain the importance of prehospital ACLS intervention if it is available
  32. Explain the importance of urgent transport to a facility with Advanced Cardiac Life Support if it is not available in the prehospital setting
  33. Discuss the various types of automated external defibrillators
  34. Differentiate between the fully automated and the semi-automated defibrillator
  35. Discuss the procedures that must be taken into consideration for standard operations of the various types of automated external defibrillators
  36. State the reasons for assuring that the patient is pulseless and apneic when using the automated external defibrillator
  37. Discuss the circumstances which may result in inappropriate shocks
  38. Explain the considerations for interruption of CPR, when using the automated external defibrillator
  39. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of automated external defibrillators
  40. Summarize the speed of operation of automated external defibrillation
  41. Discuss the use of remote defibrillation through adhesive pads
  42. Discuss the special considerations for rhythm monitoring
  43. List the steps in the operation of the automated external defibrillator
  44. Discuss the standard of care that should be used to provide care to a patient with persistent ventricular fibrillation and no available ACLS
  45. Discuss the standard of care that should be used to provide care to a patient with recurrent ventricular fibrillation and no available ACLS
  46. Differentiate between the single rescuer and multi-rescuer care with an automated external defibrillator
  47. Explain the reason for pulses not being checked between shocks with an automated external defibrillator
  48. Discuss the importance of coordinating ACLS trained providers with personnel using automated external defibrillators
  49. Discuss the importance of post-resuscitation care
  50. List the components of post-resuscitation care
  51. Explain the importance of frequent practice with the automated external defibrillator
  52. Discuss the need to complete the Automated Defibrillator: Operator’s Shift Checklist
  53. Discuss the role of the American Heart Association (AHA) in the use of automated external defibrillation
  54. Explain the role medical direction plays in the use of automated external defibrillation
  55. State the reasons why a case review should be completed following the use of the automated external defibrillator
  56. Discuss the components that should be included in a case review
  57. Discuss the goal of quality improvement in automated external defibrillation
  58. Recognize the need for medical direction of protocols to assist in the emergency medical care of the patient with chest pain
  59. List the indications for the use of nitroglycerin
  60. State the contraindications and side effects for the use of nitroglycerin
  61. Define the function of all controls on an automated external defibrillator, and describe event documentation and battery defibrillator maintenance
  62. Defend the reasons for obtaining initial training in automated external defibrillation and the importance of continuing education
  63. Defend the reason for maintenance of automated external defibrillators
  64. Explain the rationale for administering nitroglycerin to a patient with chest pain or discomfort
  65. Demonstrate the assessment and emergency medical care of a patient experiencing chest pain/discomfort
  66. Demonstrate the application and operation of the automated external defibrillator
  67. Demonstrate the maintenance of an automated external defibrillator
  68. Demonstrate the assessment and documentation of patient response to the automated external defibrillator
  69. Demonstrate the skills necessary to complete the Automated Defibrillator: Operator’s Shift Checklist.
  70. Perform the steps in facilitating the use of nitroglycerin for chest pain or discomfort
  71. Demonstrate the assessment and documentation of patient response to nitroglycerin
  72. Practice completing a prehospital care report for patients with cardiac emergencies
  73. Identify the patient taking diabetic medications with altered mental status and the implications of a diabetes history
  74. State the steps in the emergency medical care of the patient taking diabetic medicine with an altered mental status and a history of diabetes
  75. Establish the relationship between airway management and the patient with altered mental status
  76. State the generic and trade names, medication forms, dose, administration, action, and contraindications for oral glucose
  77. Evaluate the need for medical direction in the emergency medical care of the diabetic patient
  78. Explain the rationale for administering oral glucose
  79. Demonstrate the steps in the emergency medical care for the patient taking diabetic medicine with an altered mental status and a history of diabetes
  80. Demonstrate the steps in the administration of oral glucose
  81. Demonstrate the assessment and documentation of patient response to oral glucose
  82. Recognize the patient experiencing an allergic reaction
  83. Describe the emergency medical care of the patient with an allergic reaction
  84. Establish the relationship between the patient with an allergic reaction and airway management Describe the mechanisms of allergic response and the implications for airway management
  85. State the generic and trade names, medication forms, dose, administration, action, and contraindications for the epinephrine auto-injector
  86. Evaluate the need for medical direction in the emergency medical care of the patient with an allergic reaction
  87. Differentiate between the general category of those patients having an allergic reaction and those patients having an allergic reaction and requiring immediate medical care, including immediate use of epinephrine auto-injector
  88. Explain the rationale for administering epinephrine using an auto-injector
  89. Demonstrate the emergency medical care of the patient experiencing an allergic reaction
  90. Demonstrate the use of epinephrine auto-injector
  91. Demonstrate the assessment and documentation of patient response to an epinephrine injection
  92. Demonstrate proper disposal of equipment
  93. Demonstrate completing a prehospital care report for patients with allergic emergencies
  94. List various ways that poisons enter the body
  95. List signs/symptoms associated with poisoning
  96. Discuss the emergency medical care for the patient with possible overdose
  97. Describe the steps in the emergency medical care for the patient with suspected poisoning
  98. Establish the relationship between the patient suffering from poisoning or overdose and airway management
  99. State the generic and trade names, indications, contraindications, medication form, dose, administration, actions, side effects and re-assessment strategies for activated charcoal
  100. Recognize the need for medical direction in caring for the patient with poisoning or overdose
  101. Explain the rationale for administering activated charcoal\
  102. Demonstrate the steps in the emergency medical care for the patient with possible overdose
  103. Demonstrate the steps in the emergency medical care for the patient with suspected poisoning
  104. Perform the necessary steps required to provide a patient with activated charcoal
  105. Demonstrate the assessment and documentation of patient response.
  106. Demonstrate proper disposal of the equipment for the administration of activated charcoal.
  107. Demonstrate completing a prehospital care report for patients with a poisoning/overdose   emergency. Describe the various ways that the body loses heat.
  108. List the signs and symptoms of exposure to cold.
  109. Explain the steps in providing emergency medical care to a patient exposed to cold.
  110. List the signs and symptoms of exposure to heat.
  111. Explain the steps in providing emergency care to a patient exposed to heat.
  112. Recognize the signs and symptoms of water-related emergencies.
  113. Describe the complications of near drowning.
  114. Discuss the emergency medical care of bites and stings.
  115. Demonstrate the assessment and emergency medical care of a patient with exposure to cold.
  116. Demonstrate the assessment and emergency medical care of a patient with exposure to heat.
  117. Demonstrate the assessment and emergency medical care of a near drowning patient.
  118. Demonstrate completing a prehospital care report for patients with environmental emergencies.
  119. Define behavioral emergencies.
  120. Discuss the general factors that may cause an alteration in a patient’s behavior.
  121. State the various reasons for psychological crises.
  122. Discuss the characteristics of an individual’s behavior which suggests that the patient is at risk for suicide.
  123. Discuss special medical/legal considerations for managing behavioral emergencies.
  124. Discuss the special considerations for assessing a patient with behavioral problems.
  125. Discuss the general principles of an individual’s behavior which suggests that he is at risk for violence.
  126. Discuss methods to calm behavioral emergency patients.
  127. Explain the rationale for learning how to modify your behavior toward the patient with a behavioral emergency.
  128. Demonstrate the assessment and emergency medical care of the patient experiencing a behavioral emergency.
  129. Demonstrate various techniques to safely restrain a patient with a behavioral emergency Identify the following structures: Uterus, vagina, fetus, placenta, umbilical cord, amniotic sac, perineum.
  130. Identify and explain the use of the contents of an obstetrics kit.
  131. Identify pre-delivery emergencies.
  132. State indications of an imminent delivery.
  133. Differentiate the emergency medical care provided to a patient with pre-delivery emergencies from a normal delivery.
  134. State the steps in the pre-delivery preparation of the mother.
  135. Establish the relationship between body substance isolation and childbirth.
  136. State the steps to assist in the delivery.
  137. Describe care of the baby as the head appears.
  138. Describe how and when to cut the umbilical cord.
  139. Discuss the steps in the delivery of the placenta.
  140. List the steps in the emergency medical care of the mother post-delivery
  141. Summarize neonatal resuscitation procedures
  142. Describe the procedures for the following abnormal deliveries: Breech birth, prolapsed cord, limb presentation
  143. Differentiate the special considerations for multiple births
  144. Describe special considerations of meconium
  145. Describe special considerations of a premature baby
  146. Discuss the emergency medical care of a patient with a gynecological emergency
  147. Explain the rationale for understanding the implications of treating two patients (mother and baby
  148. Demonstrate the steps to assist in the normal cephalic delivery
  149. Demonstrate necessary care procedures of the fetus as the head appears
  150. Demonstrate infant neonatal procedures
  151. Demonstrate post-delivery care of infant
  152. Demonstrate how and when to cut the umbilical cord
  153. Attend to the steps in the delivery of the placenta
  154. Demonstrate the post-delivery care of the mother
  155. Demonstrate the procedures for the following abnormal deliveries: vaginal bleeding, breech birth, prolapsed cord, limb presentation
  156. Demonstrate the steps in the emergency medical care of the mother with excessive bleeding
  157. Demonstrate completing a prehospital care report for patients with obstetrical/gynecological emergencies