Sep 28, 2024  
Course/Program Inventory 
Course/Program Inventory

Criminal Justice: Correctional Officer

CIP Code:

Program Description:  The Criminal Justice curriculum contains a broad range of courses design to equip jailers and guards with the knowledge and understanding of inmate processing, maintaining order in the jail and invoking disciplinary measures when necessary. In addition, a jailer may also perform cell searches for drugs and other contraband, inspect the facility for cleanliness and stand guard during exercise periods. This training program, which may be completed over two trimesters, provides jailers and guards with knowledge of emergency procedures, mental health and first aid, defensive tactics and use of force, ethics and legal issues, investigations, and personal development, among other items. Also incorporated into this cirriculum are the classes required for an individual to meet Tennessee POST requirements.

Program Outcomes:  This program in divided into two trimesters.  At the conclusion of this program students will be qualified to work in a correctional setting.   Completion milestones are:

  • At the completion of the first trimester the student will receive a certificate of “Correctional Officer Apprentice.”
  • At the completion of the second trimester the student will receive a certificate of “Master Correctional Officer.”


Professional Accrediting Body:  The Tennessee Correctional Institute, under the authority of TCA 41-4-140, establishes minimum standards for adult local jails, lockups, workhouses and detention facilities in the state.  TCI is responsible for educating local correctional staff while providing and monitoring basic certification and annual in-service training for personnel within local adult correctional detention facilities.

State Agency/Entity Oversight: N/A

Applicable Certification/License or Industry-recognized Certificates to Be Awarded:  N/A