CIP Code:
Program Description:
The mission of the Digital Graphics Design (DGD) Program is to meet the needs of business and industry by preparing students for employment as graphic artists and updating the skills of existing personnel.
The program offers instruction in computer graphics, desktop publishing, proper scanning techniques, pre-press production and introduction to web page design. Students learn to combine practical knowledge with artistic ability to turn abstract ideas into formal designs for publications, web sites, logos, signage, movie or TV credits, etc. This training allows them to produce live work from business cards to web pages using Macintosh computers and industry standard software.
The DGD student should have a high school diploma or GED, basic math skills and good reading comprehension.
Employability skills in the form of resume and portfolio building are an integral part of the program.
Program Outcomes:
To educate students in the theory and knowledge of Digital Graphic Design.
To develop design sensibility, understanding of design principles and typography, and knowledge of print and web production.
To develop a student’s ability in layout and design, copy preparation and composition, computer graphics and digital photography with a level of proficiency suitable for job entry.
To enhance professional development skills through training in resume building, interview techniques, proper workplace etiquette, guest speakers, fieldtrips, and Co-ops.
To prepare students for employment in the print and web industry through resume building, mock interviews, final portfolio building, co-ops, and employment search resources.
Professional Accrediting Body:
State Agency/Entity Oversight:
If applicable
Applicable Certification/License or Industry-recognized Certificates to Be Awarded:
National Occupational Competency Testing Institute (NOCTI) Standards
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