CIP Code:
Program Description:
The Pipefitting and Plumbing Technology program is a competency-based training program that takes 1296 hours (12 months) to complete. Actual time is dependent upon the length of time it takes to achieve each competency. The individualized concept allows each student to progress at his or her own learning rate. The training program prepares students for an entry-level position as a pipefitter. Students will learn various pipe and welding fabrication techniques including interpreting blueprints and specifications; making detailed sketches for pipe and equipment fabrication and installation; cutting pipe using various hand or power tools; measuring, cutting with blades and torches; threading, grooving, bending, soldering, brazing, welding, assembling, joining; and installing pipes, valves and fittings.
Program Outcomes:
At the completion of the diploma in the Pipefitting and Plumbing Technology program, the graduate will be able to:
• Lay out, assemble, install or maintain pipe systems, pipe supports, or related hydraulic or pneumatic equipment for steam, hot water, heating, cooling, lubricating, sprinkling, or industrial production or processing systems.
Professional Accrediting Body:
NCCER (National Center for Construction and Education Research) and COE (Council on Occupational Education).
State agency/Entity Oversight:
Applicable Certification/License or Industry-recognized Certificates to Be Awarded: