Jan 17, 2025
MTX 1060 - Special Populations
Clock Hours: 20
Delivery Mode on-ground
Course Description: The Special Populations course will teach the students about massage for all stages of life. We will work with geriatric massage, infant massage and how to teach it to parents, pre- and post-natal massage, and pediatric massage.
Student Learning Outcomes:
- Understand and demonstrate the ability to work with all different ages of clients and levels of health.
- Demonstrate appropriate interview skills for a geriatric patient.
- Demonstrate appropriate accommodations for geriatric massage.
- Demonstrate appropriate interview skills for infant massage.
- Demonstrate appropriate knowledge of techniques that can be used with infants and enough understanding of why each is used to be able to teach the infants parents.
- Demonstrate appropriate interview skills for pre- or post-natal massage.
- Demonstrate appropriate accommodations that need to be made for pre- and post-natal massages.
- Demonstrate appropriate interview skills for pediatric massage.
- Demonstrate appropriate accommodations that may be needed for working with pediatric patients.