Mar 13, 2025  
Course/Program Inventory 
Course/Program Inventory

LPN (non-req) 1040 - Anatomy and Physiology

Clock Hours: 96

Delivery Mode

Course Description:
Basic Anatomy and Physiology for the practical nursing student is designed to familiarize him or her with the structure and function of the human body as well as the interrelationships and interdependency of the body systems to the maintenance of a homeostatic condition. The effects of microbes on the human body will be studied as well as the basic mechanics of biochemistry and biophysics as they are related to the body systems.

Student Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

  1. Identify and define the basic sciences and how they affect the growth and maintenance of the human body.
    1. Define anatomy and physiology
    2. Discuss and identify prefixes, roots, and suffixes commonly used in relation to the human body
    3. Describe the organization of the body in terms of cells, tissues, organs, and systems
    4. Describe the roles and actions of chromosomes
    5. Identify characteristics of cells, list the major cell structures and describe the function of each
    6. Describe the structure and function of a glandular, soft, hard, connective, and muscle tissue
    7. Define membrane; give major types, and examples of each and their functions
    8. Discuss the anatomic terms that apply to body positions, directions, and cavities
    9. Identify organs composing the major body systems and their locations
    10. Define microorganisms, how they reproduce, and identify complications caused by microorganisms in human pathology
  2. Integrate the concepts of Basic Anatomy & Physiology into holistic nursing care as defined by promotion, maintenance, and restoration of an individual.
    1. Define homeostasis
    2. Define positive and negative feedback and their application to the maintenance of homeostasis
    3. Differentiate between health and disease 
    4. Explain fluid balance in the human body
  3. Name and define body systems and how they work together as an integrated whole.
      1. List and describe the three types of muscle tissue. 
      2. Describe oxygen debt and how exercise affects muscles.
      3. Locate and name the major muscle groups and identify their major action.
      4. Classify the major muscles of the body as abductors, adductors, levators, depressors, flexors, extensors, rotators, or sphincters.
      5. List the ways age changes muscles.
      6. Discuss functions of the skeletal system.
      7. List the types of bones and give an example of each.
      8. Explain the different markings and landmarks of bones. 
      9. Locate and name the major bones of the body and describe their function.
      10. Differentiate between red and yellow bone marrow.
      11. Name the types of joints and give an example of each.
      12. Describe and locate the different spinal curvatures. 
      13. Explain the purpose of fontanels in the infant.
      14. Differentiate between the male and female pelvis. 
      1. Describe the organization of the nervous system.
      2. Explain the structure and function of a neuron.
      3. Describe how nerves are made up of neurons and neuron fibers. 
      4. Discuss dendrite, axon, neurilemma, neuroglia, and myelin.
      5. Describe the role myelin plays in nerve impulse conduction. 
      6. Identify functions of the sensory, motor, and connecting neuron.
      7. List the steps of an action potential. 
      8. List some basic steps of nerve transmission at a synapse and list several neurotransmitters. 
      9. Describe the functions of the spinal cord.
      10. Describe the differences and distribution of white and gray matter in the spinal cord. 
      11. Compare the differences of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. 
      12. Identify the locations and describe the functions of the four divisions of the brain 
      13. List and describe the meninges. 
      14. Describe the function, location, and formation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). 
      15. Identify the lobes of the cerebral hemispheres and describe their function. 
      16. List the subdivisions of the brain stem and their functions. 
      17. Describe the cerebellum and its function. 
      18. List the names and functions of the cranial nerves. 
      1. Describe the functions of the sensory system.
      2. List the differences between special and general senses. 
      3. Identify the major structures of the ear and describe the function of each.
      4. Identify the major structures of the eye and describe the function of each.
      5. Describe the relationship between gustation and olfaction.
      6. Describe the functions of the cranial nerves in relation to the senses.   
      7. Describe how the sense of touch functions.
      8. Explain proprioceptors and equilibrium.
      9. Describe the function of hearing and hearing receptors. 
      10. Explain sensory adaptation. 
      1. Explain the functions of blood and how blood cells are formed. 
      2. Describe the components of plasma and describe the three types of formed elements found in blood. 
      3. Describe the five types of leukocytes and their functions.
      4. Define hemostasis and list the steps in blood clotting. 
      5. Explain how blood is typed and why it is important to accurately type blood for transfusions. 
      6. Discuss the four blood groups and compatibility.
      7. Define Rh.
      8. Describe the five different types of blood vessels along with their functions.
      9. Compare the pulmonary and systemic circuits.
      10. Describe the location and function of coronary arteries.
      11. Describe the circulation through the heart.
      12. Explain the hepatic portal system and its function.
      13. Describe the differences between deep and superficial veins.
      14. List factors that regulate blood flow. 
      15. Describe the three layers of the heart wall and explain the function and structure of the pericardium.
      16. Describe the four heart chambers and the differences between the right and left sides of the heart.
      17. List the sections of the aorta and the main branches of each section.
      18. Describe the heart valves’ location and function. 
      19. Describe the cardiac cycle, pulse, blood pressure, and cardiac output.
      20. List the components of and describe the function of the heart’s conduction system.
      1. Define and describe respiration and its phases. 
      2. Identify and name the major structures of the respiratory system and describe their function.
      3. Identify the protective mechanisms within the nose, pharynx, and larynx.
      4. Differentiate between the right and left lung in terms of structure.
      5. Describe pleura and its actions.
      6. Describe the transfer of oxygen and carbon dioxide within the respiratory and circulatory systems. 
      7. Explain how respiration is controlled by the nervous system and also by chemicals within the body.
      8. Describe normal and abnormal breathing patterns.
      1. List the functions of the digestive system.
      2. Describe the digestive pathway, naming each major organ.
      3. Describe the layers of the digestive tract and the peritoneum. 
      4. Describe the function of the large and small intestines
      5. Identify and describe the accessory organs of the digestive system.
      6. Describe the bile ducts and the function of bile. 
      7. Define and state the function of peristalsis, chyme, rugae, gastrin, mastication, digestion, absorption, villi, feces, peritoneum, and mesentery.
      8. List the major digestive enzymes and describe their function.  
      9. Describe the digestion of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins. 
      10. Identify hormones that aid and regulate digestion. 
      11. Define metabolism, anabolism, catabolism, and basal metabolic rate (BMR).
      1. Describe the functions of the urinary systems and discuss how it works with other systems for waste elimination. 
      2. List the parts of the urinary system and describe their functions. 
      3. Define intake and output, dehydration, and edema.
      4. Describe the action of the nephron in eliminating wastes from the body.
      5. List the processes involved in urine formation.
      6. Explain how ADH affects urine formation.
      7. List the normal and abnormal components of urine.
      8. Describe the process of micturition or voiding.
      9. Differentiate between intracellular and extracellular water compartments.
      10. Differentiate between interstitial and vascular fluid.
      11. Define elements, atom, ion, electrolyte, cation, anion, salt, acid and base.
      12. Describe the major functions of electrolytes in the human body, naming the most common intra- and extra-cellular electrolytes.
      13. Explain how acid-base balance relates to homeostasis and define pH and its balance.
      1. Describe the structures and functions of the reproductive organs in the male and female.
      2. Describe the accessory organs of the male and female reproductive systems.
      3. Differentiate between the male and female gonads and describe their functions.
      4. Describe meiosis. 
      5. Identify secondary sex characteristics in the adult male and female.
      6. Explain the menstrual cycle and how hormones affect it.
      7. List the functions of the male and female sex hormones. 
      8. Explain the effects of negative feedback on reproduction. 
      9. Describe how menopause affects the body. 
      10. Describe a gene and differentiate between dominant and recessive genes.
      11. Define heredity.
      12. Explain how a person can be a carrier of a genetic trait.
      13. Describe how the sex is determined in a human embryo.
      1. Relate and compare the effects of the nervous system and the endocrine system in controlling bodily functions.
      2. Explain the function of hormones and how they are regulated.
      3. Identify structures (glands) located within the endocrine system.
      4. List the specific hormones produced by the endocrine glands and the hormone’s effect on the body.
      5. Differentiate between exocrine and endocrine glands.
      6. Describe the relationship between the hypothalamus and pituitary.
      7. List effects of excessive or decreased amounts of hormone secretion.
      8. Define prostaglandin and differentiate between prostaglandins and hormones.
      9. Describe how the endocrine system responds to stress.
      1. Describe the lymphatic circulation and its function.
      2. Describe the functions of the spleen and thymus in relation to the immune system.
      3. Explain the differences between specific and non-specific body defenses giving examples of each. 
      4. Describe the inflammatory process.
      5. Give examples of and differentiate between passive and active immunity and natural and acquired immunity. 
      6. Define antigen and antibody and describe an antigen-antibody reaction.
      7. Compare and contrast T cell and B cells.
      8. Describe how macrophages function in immunity.
      1. Describe the main functions of the skin. 
      2. Describe the layers of the skin and the function of each layer. 
      3. List the location and function of the skin’s accessory structures. 
      4. Describe visible changes in the skin and what they indicate.