TCT 2060 - Security Best PracticeCapstone
Clock Hours: 72
Delivery Mode on-ground
Industry Certifications Testout PC Pro Certification (
CompTIA: A+ Certification (This is highly recommended, but not required for the Telecom Network Specialist Certificate)
Course Description: This course is one part of the entire trimester course, which is designed to prepare students to pass the TestOut PC Pro and CompTIA A+ certifications. The TestOut PC Pro Certification is the first exam in TestOut’s Pro Certifications. This certification measures not just what you know, but what you can do. It measures your ability to install, manage, repair, and troubleshoot PC hardware and Windows, Linux, and Mac operating systems.
This section of the PC Pro Certification addresses the following knowledge domains:
Student Learning Outcomes: 12.0 SECURITY
12.1 Best Practices
12.1.1 Best Practices for Securing Workstations
12.1.2 Workstation Security Facts
12.1.3 Security Policies
12.1.4 Security Policy Facts
12.2 Incident Response
12.2.1 First Responder
12.2.2 Basic Forensic Procedures
12.2.3 Incident Response Facts
12.3 Physical Security
12.3.1 Physical Security
12.3.2 Data Disposal and Destruction
12.3.3 Wiping a Disk
12.3.4 Configuring a Screen Saver Password
12.3.5 Physical Security Facts
12.3.6 Require a Screen Saver Password
12.4 Social Engineering
12.4.1 Social Engineering
12.4.2 Social Engineering Facts
12.5 BIOS/UEFI Security
12.5.1 BIOS/UEFI Security
12.5.2 Configuring BIOS/UEFI Security Settings
12.5.3 BIOS/UEFI Security Facts
12.5.4 Configure BIOS/UEFI Security
12.6 Malware Protection
12.6.1 Malware
12.6.2 Malware Facts
12.6.3 Malware Protection
12.6.4 Implementing Malware Protection on Windows
12.6.5 Implementing Malware Protection on Linux
12.6.6 Implementing Malware Protection on Mac OS
12.6.7 Malware Protection Facts
12.7 Authentication
12.7.1 Authentication
12.7.2 Elevating Privileges on Linux
12.7.3 Configuring Password Policies on Windows
12.7.4 Password Facts
12.7.5 Enforce Password Settings
12.7.6 Manage Linux Passwords
12.7.7 Managing Authentication on Windows
12.7.8 Using a Biometric Scanner
12.7.9 Using a Smart Card Reader
12.7.10 Authentication Management Facts
12.8 File Encryption
12.8.1 File Encryption
12.8.2 File Encryption Facts
12.8.3 Encrypting Files
12.8.4 Encrypt Files
12.8.5 Bitlocker
12.8.6 Bitlocker Facts
12.8.7 Using Bitlocker
12.9 Network Security
12.9.1 Wired Network Security Best Practices
12.9.2 Wired Network Security Facts
12.9.3 Wireless Network Security Best Practices
12.9.4 Wireless Network Security Facts
12.10 Firewalls
12.10.1 Firewalls
12.10.2 Configuring Windows Firewall
12.10.3 Firewall Facts
12.10.4 Configure the Windows Firewall
12.10.5 Network Appliances
12.10.6 Network Appliance Facts
12.11 Proxy Servers
12.11.1 Configuring Proxy Settings
12.11.2 Configuring Proxy Settings
12.11.3 Proxy Server Facts
12.11.4 Use a Proxy Server
12.12 VPN
12.12.1 Virtual Private Networks (VPN)
12.12.2 Configuring a VPN Connection
12.12.3 VPN Facts
12.12.4 Configure a VPN Connection
12.13 Security Troubleshooting
12.13.1 Common Security Issues
12.13.2 Network Security Threat Facts
12.13.3 Security Troubleshooting Facts
13.1 Build a Computer From Scratch
13.2 Troubleshoot a Malfunctioning Computer
13.3 Troubleshoot System Startup
13.4 Create a Home Office Network
13.5 Configure the Windows Operating System
13.6 Troubleshoot a Mobile Device
13.7 Configure Linux
13.8 Lab Sandbox