Mar 11, 2025  
Course/Program Inventory 
Course/Program Inventory

EMT 2080 - Rescue and Special Operations

Clock Hours: 20

Delivery Mode

Course Description:
The student will understand the female anatomy and physiology, and changes that occur with age. The student will be able to assess, identify, and treat when possible gynecologic emergencies in the female patient. The student will understand urgent and non-urgent movement of patients as well as body mechanics, and the types of equipment made to assist the AEMT in the movement of patients without causing injury to themselves or the patient. The student will be familiar with rescue operations, and vehicle extrication all while adhering to their and the patients safety. Finally the student will understand what terrorism is, and types of weapons of mass destruction, as well a a fundamental knowledge of disaster management.

Student Learning Outcomes:
Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of:

  1. Describe the anatomy and physiology of the female reproductive system. 
  2. Discuss the pathophysiology of gynecologic emergencies, including pelvic inflammatory disease, sexually transmitted diseases, ruptured ovarian cyst, ectopic pregnancy, vaginal bleeding, traumatic abdominal pain, and sexual assault. 
  3. Describe the assessment process for patients with gynecologic emergencies. 
  4. Discuss the importance of history taking when assessing a patient with a gynecologic emergency. 
  5. Discuss the general management of a patient with a gynecologic emergency. 
  6. Discuss assessment and management of specific gynecologic emergencies, including pelvic inflammatory disease, ruptured ovarian cyst, ectopic pregnancy, vaginal bleeding, traumatic abdominal pain, and sexual assault. 
  7. Describe the technical skills and general considerations that are required of the AEMT during patient packaging and patient handling. 
  8. Define the term body mechanics and discuss how following proper patient lifting and moving techniques can help prevent work-related injuries. 
  9. Describe the guidelines and safety precautions the AEMT should follow when lifting and carrying a patient on a stretcher or backboard, and identify how to avoid common mistakes. 
  10. Describe the guidelines for lifting a patient, including using a power grip and using a sheet or blanket. 
  11. Explain how to carry patients safely on stairs, including the selection of appropriate equipment to aid in the process. 
  12. Summarize the general considerations required to move patients safely without causing them further harm while simultaneously protecting the AEMT from injury. 
  13. Describe specific situations in which an urgent move or rapid extrication may be necessary to move a patient, and explain how each one is performed. 
  14. Describe specific situations in which a nonurgent move may be necessary to move a patient, and explain how each one is performed. 
  15. Discuss special considerations related to moving and transporting geriatric patients and guidelines that must be followed during their lifting and moving. 
  16. Define the term bariatrics and discuss the guidelines for lifting and moving bariatric patients.
  17. Provide 11 examples of patient-moving equipment, and explain how each one is used to move a patient. 
  18. Explain the relationship between equipment decontamination and the prevention of disease transmission. 
  19. Discuss situations that may require the use of medical restraints on a patient, and explain guidelines and safety considerations for their use.
  20. Explain the responsibilities of an AEMT in patient rescue and vehicle extrication. 
  21. Discuss how to ensure safety at the scene of a rescue incident, including scene size-up and the selection of the proper personal protective equipment and additional necessary gear. 
  22. Provide examples of vehicle safety components that may be hazardous to both AEMTs and patients following a crash, and explain how to mitigate their dangers. 
  23. Define the terms extrication and entrapment, and explain how they differ. 
  24. Describe the 10 phases of vehicle extrication and the role of the AEMT during each one.
  25. Discuss the various factors related to ensuring situational safety at the site of a vehicle extrication, including controlling traffic flow, performing a 360° assessment, stabilizing the vehicle, dealing with unique hazards, and evaluating the need for additional resources. 
  26. Describe the special precautions the AEMT should follow to protect the patient during a vehicle extrication. 
  27. Explain the different factors that must be considered before attempting to gain access to the patient during an incident that requires extrication. 
  28. Discuss patient care considerations related to assisting with rapid extrication, providing emergency care to a trapped patient, and removing and transferring a patient. 
  29. Explain the difference between simple access and complex access in vehicle extrication.
  30. Give examples of situations that would require special technical rescue teams, and describe the AEMT’s role in these situations.
  31. Define the terms international terrorism and domestic terrorism, and provide some examples of incidents that have been caused by each one.
  32. Provide examples of four different types of goals that commonly motivate terrorist groups to stage a terrorist attack.
  33. Define the terms weapon of mass destruction (WMD) and weapon of mass casualty (WMC), and list and give examples of the five categories of weapons that are considered WMDs.
  34. Discuss the history of chemical agents, their four main classifications, routes of exposure, effects on the patient, and patient care.
  35. Discuss three categories of biologic agents, their routes of exposure, effects on the patient, and patient care.
  36. Describe the history of nuclear/radiologic devices, sources of radiologic materials and dispersal devices, medical management of the patient, and protective measures that can be taken by the AEMT during a nuclear/radiologic incident.
  37. Describe how the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Homeland Security Advisory System relates to the daily activities of AEMTs and their ability to respond to and survive a terrorist attack. 
  38. Describe key observations an AEMT must make on each call to assist in the determination of whether an incident is related to terrorism. 
  39. Explain the colors and threat levels that are used by the DHS daily to heighten awareness of the current terrorist threat. 
  40. Describe the critical response actions related to establishing and reassessing scene safety, personnel protection, notification procedures, and establishing command an AEMT must perform at a suspected terrorist event. 
  41. Explain the role of EMS in relation to syndromic surveillance and points of distribution (PODs) during a biologic event. 
  42. Describe the mechanisms of injury caused by incendiary and explosive devices, including the types of wounds and their severity.
  43. Demonstrate the steps an AEMT can take to establish and reassess scene safety based on a scenario of a terrorist event.\
  44. Demonstrate the steps an AEMT can take for the management of a patient exposed to a chemical agent.
  45. Demonstrate the use of the Mark 1 Nerve Agent Antidote Kit (NAAK) and/or the DuoDote auto-injector.
  46. Perform a power lift to lift a patient.
  47. Demonstrate using a power grip.
  48. Perform the diamond carry to move a patient. 
  49. Perform the one-handed carrying technique to move a patient. 
  50. Perform a patient carry using a stair chair to move a patient down the stairs.
  51. Perform a patient carry to move a patient up or down the stairs. 7. Demonstrate the body mechanics and principles required for safe reaching and pulling, including the safe reaching technique used for performing log rolls. 
  52. Demonstrate how to perform an emergency or urgent move such as a two-rescuer body drag or one-rescuer technique for removing an unconscious patient from a vehicle.
  53. Perform the rapid extrication technique to move a patient from a vehicle.
  54. Perform the direct ground lift to lift a patient. 
  55. Perform the extremity lift to move a patient.
  56. Perform the direct carry to move a patient. 
  57. Demonstrate how to use the draw sheet method to transfer a patient onto a stretcher.
  58. Use a scoop stretcher to move a patient. 
  59. Demonstrate how to lift a patient from the ground. 
  60. Demonstrate how to move a patient from a chair to a wheelchair. 
  61. Demonstrate how to load a stretcher into an ambulance.
  62. Demonstrate the correct use of medical restraints on a patient.